•2• Damn girl!

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Alexa, play Yo Voy by Zion & Lennox ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Yo Voy by Zion & Lennox

I stayed up most of the night with the girls on FaceTime because, apparently we're trying to get boyfriends now and Devi will not have it if we're not dressed 'Hot & Sexy' today.

Her words not mine.

The only thing I could come up with is borrowing a skirt from my aunt. I slipped on a white sweater, my aunts plaid skirt, and her knee-high boots. this is too much.

whatever, I don't have time to change.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Aunt Amaya asks from the kitchen. Oh god she's gonna lecture me, About boys... kill me now.

"Are those-"

"yeah sorry, I didn't have anything cute in my closet" I reply. she just smiles and gives me a little wave signaling she's okay with it.

"Keep them, they look good on you" she smiles, I quickly grab a granola bar and head out the door. I don't mind the walk, its kind of relaxing.

Liv you look fine. Stop overthinking. I fix up my outfit before walking in.

"Okay it's official, you look way hotter than me" Devi exclaims giving me a quick hug.

"Gah damn girl" a dude winks at me. Ew, go away.

"That's just, no.. ew" I chuckle and Devi laughs. "I bet you wouldn't be like that if Paxton said that" She replies.

"If I said what?" I literally jump and turn to see the one and only Paxton.

"Oh, um, nothing.." I lie, almost choking on the words. I'm such a dumbass, get ahold of yourself.

"Okay.. well I just wanted to see how you were doing" he answers. Not one of the most popular guys at Sherman Oaks High, checking on me.

This has to be a joke.

"Oh, I'm okay, she doesn't bother me" that is definitely a lie but who cares. Usually I tell people to fuck off, but the mention of my dad is just.. it sucks.

"Alright, well uh, do you have ig?" he asks scratching the back of his neck. WTF.

Calm the fuck down Olivia, he probably just needs you to do his homework or some shit.

"Yeah, it's, @Olivia_lee" I reply, he smiles as he puts it in his phone.

"Thanks" he slides his phone back into his pocket "oh and you look great by the way" he grins, turning around to go to his next class, I assume.

I swear my face is as red as a damn cherry cause damn, he's a fine man. let's not skip the fact that he said I looked great.

"What. THE. Fuck" Devi's wide eyes say everything about what just happened.

"Did Paxton Hall Yoshida, just compliment you?!" she whisper yells. "I- I guess so" I answer. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I get it out, it's probably not him but..

8:00 am
Instagram: @Paxtonn_ started following you 1m ago.

8:01 am
Instagram: @Paxtonn_ wants to send you a message. 5s.

"OPEN IT" Devi yells, hovering over my shoulder. "Ow" I laugh. "Sorry"

8:01 am

Active now

Yo, come sit with me at lunch

Really? Yeah sure

Cool, see ya then Liv

"Oh my god" Devi's Jaw is basically on the floor right now

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"Oh my god" Devi's Jaw is basically on the floor right now. I don't blame her. I'm just as confused, he's never noticed me before.

"Okay, okay enough, let's get to class" I laugh, grabbing her arm. time for another boring 90 minutes with Mr. Shapiro.

the first two periods went by really fast. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous. Maybe a lot. Thankfully I know where he sits during lunch so, I head straight outside.

This is kinda weird. Should I be doing this? No. Yes?fuck.

"Liv! Over here" Paxton yells. I smile and make my way over to the group of guys. before I can even sit down, I get hit in the face with a ball.

"Ow! Goddamnit" I exclaim holding my face, I didn't even realize Paxton was standing in front of me until I lifted my face to see his, extremely gorgeous face.

Stop, oh my god Liv.

"Are you okay?" He asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. What is it with you and my SHOULDER.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" I laugh a little and so does he, the guy who hit me walked over to us, he had pretty long hair.

"Yo, I'm sorry" the guy says with a slight smile. Douche, you could've at least said it like you meant it.

"Its all good"

"So what's up?" I ask sitting down, preferably further from the long haired dude.

"Well, I sort of need a tutor, and I thought I'd ask you- i mean, you're really smart, and-" he runs a hand through his hair. which can i say is so so attractive.

"sorry, i feel like-" I cut him off with "of course!"

i called it! I knew it was just homework things.

"Great, How's Saturday, my house?" He asks. "That's fine, just text me a time" I smile.

Welp I mean it's not what I wanted it to be but, I now tutor Paxton Hall Yoshida.

This is gonna be fun....


Okay this wasn't the best chapter sorry loves 🤍🤍

peace out babes-Emi🦋

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