•15• Forgive & Forget

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Alexa, play Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood

Hmm. "OW!" I open my eyes and sit up. i was sleeping next to Paxton and somehow rolled off the bed.

"Liv, are you okay?" Paxton yawns looking down at
me. he starts laughing when I make a mock- pout face at him.

"come here, you big baby" he pulls me off the ground and wraps his arms around me.

"Good morning" I giggle into his chest. He places a small kiss on my lips.

"Good morning clumsy ass"

it's been a couple days since I've talked to my uncle. I still have no idea why he acted the way he did but apparently my aunt knows and won't tell me.

his parents were pretty chill about me staying, I'm just surprised they let me sleep with him.

"I'm gonna go talk to my mom really quick, I'll be back" he says, walking out the door. I quickly change into a crop top and some ripped jeans.

I walk out into the living room, where Paxton and his mom are talking.

"You better not mess this up, she's a sweet girl, your father and I really like her"

"I won't, she's made me the happiest I've ever been" I smile when he says that. his mom sees me and waves her hand for me to come over.

"Hey Olivia" She smiles.

"Hi Mrs-"

"Call me June" I nod and sit beside Paxton. We all talk for awhile and his mom showed me his baby pictures. He was adorable.

I get up to grab a drink but his dad walks in. He looked like he had something to say so I sit back down.

"Here, I feel like this will help you understand more. I just want you to know, I don't have a problem with you. You're a good girl and you're good for my son"

He gave me an envelope. it had a stack of pictures in it along with a letter.

To Olivia,

I hope this will answer your questions. Your Uncle Kenji, your dad and I were best friends for a really long time, I left some pictures of us for you to look at. I met your uncle when I was 10, we were inseparable. We did everything together, we talked about a lot and never kept secrets from one another.

When I first met your dad, we got closer than Kenji and I were at the time. Kenji became upset, saying I liked his brother more than him. He told me I was betraying him somehow. Eventually he got over the fact that I was best friends with both of them.

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now