•35• College?

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Alexa play, Live While We're Young by One Direction~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Live While We're Young by One Direction

There's exactly two months until graduation and I still haven't sent in my applications for the colleges I chose. I guess I'm not really looking forward to that conversation with Paxton yet..

You know, about going to different colleges and talking about if we'd make it work or not? I'm sure we would, but I know long distance is hard.

I stifle a sigh and continue to type away at my laptop. After a few more minutes of excessive typing I finally submitted my last application.

"Glad that's over with" I say to myself, shutting my laptop and placing it on my bedside table.

Right as I was about to get up, my door opened. My aunt smiled as she walked over to me, handing me the plate she had in her hands.

"Thanks auntie"

"You're welcome sweetie, so, did you apply for the colleges I told you about?" She asks, sitting down at the edge of my bed.

"Oh- uh yeah i did!" I say, almost choking on the food. I lied. I didn't apply for any of them, she wants me to stay local and I don't want to do that.

As much as I'm going to miss everyone I still have a choice on where I want to go and I've already picked them out.

"Good" She replies "did you apply for that one you wanted..?"

"Yeah, I did"

Instead of giving me a lecture on it, she just smiles and places a hand on my back. I know whichever one I get into she's gonna be disappointed, or sad, probably both.

"Well, I have to go help your uncle. I love you sweetie, and I'm very proud of you" She gives me a hug and a quick kiss on my forehead before she heads out the door.

Let's just hope she's as nice as she is now when I have to move across the country..

I grab my phone and sigh as I stare blankly at the screen. I should probably have that conversation with Paxton today or I'm just gonna keep putting it off.

"You alright?"

I jump and look towards the door, Paxton was standing against the doorframe with a small grin on his face.

"I was until you scared the shit out of me" I laugh as he walks over to the other side of the bed. He sits down next to me and places an arm around me.

"I didn't mean to scare you baby" He says and places a gentle kiss on my cheek. I turn towards him and press my lips to his, the kiss was short but sweet.

"But seriously, are you okay? You've seemed really stressed out these past few days" He asks.

"Yeah.. I mean no, not really" I hesitate. "It's just that we haven't really talked about what we're gonna do after high school- like about our future?"

He sits there for a second not saying anything but ends up smiling and grabbing my hand.

"Liv, I don't think you know how much I love you. you're the most amazing person I've met and I probably wouldn't even be graduating without your help." He pauses and places both hands on my cheeks.

"No matter how far apart we are, I always want to be with you. We can make long distance work, I promise" he adds then kisses me softly.

I can't help but smile, he's definitely the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"I love you" I say, pulling away from the kiss. He smiles and runs a finger through my hair, placing the strand behind my ear.

"I love you too beautiful"


"Hmm" I mumble as someone shakes me awake. I let out a groan and turn over, hoping that whoever it is will stop.

"Babe, wake up" Paxton whispers. "I wanna show you something"

I groan again but this time I actually open my eyes, grabbing my phone to check the time. 6:12 am, what in the world does he want to show me this early in the morning.

"Im tired" I complain as I sit up and rub my eyes. I look beside me at Paxton, he's smiling and holding out his hand to help me up.

I take his hand and follow him over to the open window. He lets go of my hand and steps out onto the roof then turns back to offer me his hand again.

"This is dangerous" I say once I step onto the roof.

"It's okay I got you" He replies, leading me over to the side of the house.

It was a kind of cold but also beautiful morning because right out it front of us is where the sun is starting to rise.

We sit down on one of the more secure parts of the roof and continue to watch the sunrise. Paxton wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"It's beautiful" I say, admiring the mix of colors in the sky and the scenery around it.

"Not as beautiful as you"

I smile and glance up at him, he's already looking down at me with the cutest smile on his face. I give him a kiss and then rest my head on his shoulder, my arm sliding around his.

We sit there in silence for a few more minutes, taking in the peacefulness of everything.

I could sit here with him all morning..

This one was kinda short Im sorry🤍 Im getting the sequel ready, we have a few more chapters to go!

*Do you guys want me to release it with 10 chapters already made or should I release it early? It'll probably be (depending on when i finish this) released at the end of April or early May. 🖤

Peace out bitches- Emi🦋

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