•33• Beach

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Alexa play, Into It by Chase Atlantic ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Into It by Chase Atlantic

I groan as I throw my blanket off of me then tiredly sit up. I look around to see my friends ether still sprawled out on the floor or awake.

Devi was the one that was up, which is no surprise she's usually the first one up. Now Paxton on the other hand can sleep for hours, hence the fact that he's snoring pretty loud right now.

Fab was pretty much curled into a ball on the floor, still sleeping of course but with like 5 blankets. I laugh at the sight of them and get up, careful not to step on her.

I hear Paxton groan a little when I move so I turn back to look at him. His eyes flutter open slowly and lock onto mine, a tired smile creeping up on his face.

"Good morning sleepyhead" I chuckle, going back over to my bed and plopping down beside him.

"Good morning beautiful"

I blush a little then tuck my face into the space between his neck and the pillow. He wraps an arm around me while placing a few kisses on my forehead and cheek.

"Ew, get outta here lovebirds" Devi complains. I just flip her off and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

"You're just mad your man isn't here"

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes playfully and I can't help but laugh. Fabiola wakes up a few minutes later and looks between all of us like we woke her up.

"you guys are soo annoying" she mumbles, throwing the pile of blankets off of her.

"If we're soo annoying i guess you don't have to come to the beach with us later"

She perks her head up and looks back at me, acting offended. "Rude."

I laugh and get up, walking over to my closet to get changed. Paxton follows behind but grabs a pair of shorts he left from my dresser and heads out to the bathroom.

I pick out a red bikini and some ripped black shorts to go over it.

The girls end up leaving to go get ready at their house, Fab was going to meet us there and of course I had to pick Devi up, because Nalini refuses to take her anywhere.

So that left Paxton and I alone for a little while. He walks back into my room right as I'm tying the back of my top.

{Smut ⚠️} ~skip if you need to~

"Need help?" He asks, stepping behind me. I give him a smile through the mirror I'm standing in front of and finish tying my top.

"Nope, but thank you"

He just grins and places his hands on my waist, leaning down to tuck his head into my neck. My breath catches at the feel of his soft lips brushing slightly against it.

"Babee, we gotta go" I drag out as he starts placing gentle kisses on my neck. His hands are still on my waist but I can feel him slowly pulling my body against his.

"We have time"

I playfully roll my eyes as he lifts his head up, a grin still plastered on his face as he locks eyes with me through the mirror.

"You don't even have a-" I start to say but stop when he takes one hand off of me to grab the familar square shaped pack from his pocket.

"Of course" I giggle as he turns me around, his arms wrapping around me as he pulls me against him. he doesn't hesitate to put his lips onto mine.

His hands move down to my hips then my ass, our lips syncing together while the kiss gets more intense.

I break the kiss for a second to catch my breath and glance up at him. he looks down at me with his dark filled eyes and gently pulls me over to the bed.

I lay flat on my stomach but keep my legs dangled off the bed.

"Can I?" he asks, tugging on the waistband of my shorts. "Yea"

He nods, gently pulling my shorts and bikini bottoms off, leaving my lower body exposed to the cold air of my room.

He runs a finger along my folds then between them, lightly circling my clit. A small moan escapes my lips as he continues to tease.

He stops for a second, probably to pull his shorts and boxers off. Soon enough he's standing closer to me, his length suddenly teasing my entrance.

"Babee" I whine into the blanket, he chuckles then slowly slides into me. He groans quietly, grabbing my hips as he picks up the pace.

I let out a few quiet moans here and there, hoping to god nobody heard. He occasionally lifts a hand from my hip to touch my boobs or give a gentle squeeze on my ass, which only made it better.

"Fuck" I mumble as he starts to go faster, hitting all the right places.

he then adjusts himself at the perfect angle, which makes him hit my g-spot over and over. At this point It was getting so hard to control my moans, but the blanket is doing a pretty good job at muffling them.

"Damn baby" he groans, his thrusts getting sloppy just as the familiar knot starts setting in my stomach.

he places both hands just above my ass, slowing down just for him to go faster and harder a few seconds later.

"I'm close-" I say or try to but it ends up coming out as a mumbled mess.

"Mmm" He groans, squeezing my ass but still forcing my hips against his. I could tell he was close too, by feeling the familiar twitch of him inside of me.

I feel myself tighten around him and finally release, just at the same time as him. he slows down then stops but stays in for a second to catch his breath.

"Told you we had time" He says and pulls out.

{End of smut}

I smile as I get up to put my clothes back on while he does the same. We we're probably gonna be late so I send Fab and Devi a message.

Devi sent like 10+ messages asking when I was coming or if I was okay. The last one just said she'd meet me there, Ben picked her up.

Jeez she's impatient..

i finally wrote more smut😅 I was gonna make this chapter longer since it was pretty much just smut but i had writers block at the end🥲

peace out babes- Emi🦋

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