•31• Hurt

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Alexa play, Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

"Olivia honey?" My aunts voice is soft as she walks through my room. It's been a week since Paxton and I broke up. he's tried texting and calling but I've ignored everything.

I miss him so much but I just can't go back, not after what I saw. I want nothing more than to get back with him of course, I just don't know if I should.

"Hmm" I mumble throwing the covers over my face. I also, haven't gotten out of bed all week so that's why my aunt is in here.

She's tried everyday to get me out of my bed to ether eat or go out somewhere with her.

"Come on sweetie, you have to get up" she says, sitting down on my bed.


"Your teachers sent the last bit of your homework over and honey.. you haven't done any of it" She rubs my back for a few seconds before standing back up.

"I can only do so much, you're lucky they let you stay out this week"

"I can't" I cry for probably the fourth time today.

Surprisingly I didn't cry most of the week, I just felt kinda numb? But, today is hitting me the hardest for whatever reason.

"Liv, I really think you should talk to him.. I think it would help"

I sit up straight and give her a 'are you serious' kind of look. First of all why in the hell would I talk to him right now, secondly how would that help?

"I don't think it would" I reply.

She sighs but nods like she understands but I know her, she's far from understanding. She's told me from the day I came home to now, that 'that doesn't sound like something he'd do'.

Yeah well apparently it is because I fucking saw it, with my own eyes. unless.. she forced him to kiss her?

Holy shit. How could I have been so blind and stupid? Of course he wouldn't do that, she's a manipulative bitch that's always been obsessed with him.

I've always been so blinded, especially when it comes to getting hurt. I guess I just thought maybe he finally gave in and kissed her but he's not like that and I realize that now.

I wait for my aunt to leave the room, once she does I grab my phone and call Paxton. It takes a few rings before he finally picks up..

Liv? What's up, are you okay?

I sit there for a second, totally lost in my thoughts. I've missed hearing his voice, I guess I've just missed him in general.

Hi, yeah I'm okay..

I'm glad you called, I've missed you.

Yeah, I uh-

are you sure you're okay?

no. um, I wanted to see if you wanted to meet at the park or something. Im ready to talk..

I'll meet you there then.


That's all I could manage to say before hanging up, I had so much more to say but I just couldn't get it out.

I really hope I can fix this.

I drag myself out of bed and get changed, applying a little bit of makeup to hide my baggy eyes.

I quickly head downstairs and grab my keys from the table. My aunt looks up from her book, confused at first but then smiles.

"I'm glad you're finally out of bed" she says. "Where are you going?"

"Um, to Devi's" I reply, trying not to seem like I just lied. She just nods and looks back down at her book.

"Have fun"


I hop out of the car and make my way towards one of the benches. I look around to see if he's here but I don't see him, I figured he'd be here by now.

"Liv?" The familiar voice says softly from behind me.

I turn around to face Paxton, he honestly looks as hurt as I was, maybe even more. But that quickly goes away, a small smile replacing it.


"Hi.." I say walking over to him. "I'm sorry I didn't let you explain"

"It's okay, I know it looked wrong but I promise you I hated it, I hate her. She-"

"I know, you don't need to explain"

"I'm really sorry Olivia, I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you" he says. I nod and just go in for a hug. I feel him hesitate a little but he relaxes and puts his arms around me.

We stay like that for a while, nether of us wanting to pull away from the comforting hug. I pull away but stand right in front him still, glancing up at him.

"Does this mean we're-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He smiles against the kiss, placing both of his hands on my waist.

I know It's only been a week but I totally missed this, his soft lips and his comforting arms. He pulls away, but keeps his arms around me.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" He asks and I nod.

I would say I'm surprised Zoe got in the way of our relationship but to be honest I'm not. I'm just glad everything is cleared up and I got my boyfriend back.

I will say though, if I ever catch that bitch outside of school it's on sight. I'm not the type of person to back down from that either, especially with a girl like her.

She's done one too many things to us, not to mention all of the things she's done to him over the years. I think she's overdue for a good kick in the ass, she needs someone to finally put her in her place.

"Promise to never let her get in the way again?" I ask.

"I promise"

Two chapters in one day? 😮‍💨 i never do that lol. if this seems rushed im sorry, its late and i had a few distractions writing this.

Also, I apologize this was weird, I didn't feel like dragging out their "break up".

peace out bitches- Emi🦋

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