•4• Sleepover

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Alexa, play into your arms by Witt Lowry~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play into your arms by Witt Lowry

What the actual fuck is happening. I place the note I wrote for my aunt on the kitchen counter by the coffee pot, she'll most likely see it there.

I grab my jacket and head out the door locking it behind me. luckily, I didn't have to wait long. as soon as I get outside I see Paxton leaning on his jeep.

"Hi" I smile, making my way over to him. "Hey liv" he grins. So damn cute.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long, I had to uh, leave my aunt a note.." I laugh. I'm not nervous at all. Totally not.

"Nah, I've been here like 5 minutes, it's chill" he goes around and opens the passenger door for me. I immediately start blushing.

Omg bro, chill.

"Thanks kind sir" bitch really?! 'Kind sir' the fuck. He just laughs and shuts the door once I'm in. why of all people, he wanted me to come over? Makes no sense.

"I hope you're not like some psycho who's trying to lure me to his basement and kill me" I look at him trying to contain my laugh.

"Oh I totally am" he keeps a straight face, than we burst out laughing.

the ride wasn't long, or awkward actually, we hit it off pretty well. We told jokes and talked about how much we hate school.

"this is, nice" I say walking into what I'm assuming is his "room". Im not surprised he has a whole garage to himself.

"Sorry about the mess" he kicks some beer cans to the side and clears his couch. "It's fine" I reply sitting down.

"Looks like you party in here a lot" i giggle at the bag full of cans he's throwing outside. "Nah, Trent and Marcus just drink too much" he plops down beside me.

I'm so nervous.

"So what do you do in here" I question and he shrugs. I scan the room looking for anything interesting to talk about. Speaker system, gaming console, a bunch of things on a shelf, I can't tell what they are, trophies.

Damn how many trophies does this guy have.

"Wanna watch something?" he grabs the remote and hands it to me. "Do you like horror movies?"

"Who doesn't?" He smirks and throws his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I'm so fucking confused.

Eventually I turn on one of the recommended horror movies and get comfortable.

"Are you cold?" he questions, I'm not going to lie, it's a little cold in here. "a little". he gets up and leaves for I swear literally a second, and comes back with a blanket.

"Here" he sits down covering me with the blanket and wrapping his arm around me. I could get used to this.

He's definitely using you Olivia.

I end up covering him with the blanket also, because it would be rude not to, and I mean who wouldn't want to be under the covers with Paxton.

Eventually the exhaustion hits me, there's no way I'm going back home tonight..


Yeah this one sucked a little, I apologize, but, next one will 100% be better.

As always peace out loves—Emi🦋

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