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Alexa, play Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez

I was a little late to school, like an hour late. Thankfully I got it excused. The girls and I stayed up all night coming up with themes for Hoco, we didn't get very far.

"Ms. Lee, you're late" Mr. Shapiro says from his desk. I throw my book bag down and slump down in my seat.

"Yeah sorry"

"Just don't be late again" he says. Whatever. I just take out my stuff and do what he has on the board.

Everybody was pretty quiet today, Devi and Ben were working on something together. Paxton and Trent were looking at things on their phones.

Except for Zoe and Shira who kept glancing at me. I roll my eyes and go back to what I was doing.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna have the best dress for homecoming for sure" Zoe says, saying it loud enough for me to hear.

"Hmm, maybe Paxton will notice you" Shira replies, I let out a small chuckle. This bitch.

"What's so funny?" Zoe glares at me. I look at her with no hesitation.

"It's just funny that you keep thinking you can get my man" I say. "It's pretty pathetic" The class 'Ooos' and looks between Zoe and Me.

"That's my girl" Paxton grins. I smile at him and get back to my work.

"Fucking cunt" she whispers, again loud enough that I heard the cunt part. Don't let her get to you Liv, You're better than her.

They continue talking about me through the rest of class. Once most of the people were out, except for Zoe, Paxton, Devi and I, I walk up to her.

"You can keep my name out of your fucking mouth"

"Uhm, no" She laughs. I clench up my fist, my anger issues cannot handle this bitch today. Paxton pulls me closer to him, making sure I won't do anything.

"Are you like in love with me or something? Because you talk about me everyday. Does little Zoe have a girl crush, aww" I grin, walking out of the room, Paxtons hand in mine.

"Damn Liv" Devi says walking beside us. "That was brutal" she adds.

"Eh, just telling her the truth" I shrug.

"I'll see you at lunch" Paxton says, kissing my cheek and heading into his next class. I walk with Devi until she gets to her class. She tells me to not beat Zoe's ass while she's not around.

"I might" I laugh.


This bitch. I take the paper Zoe handed to me and sit next to Paxton. Vote Zoe Maytag for best dressed, hugs and kisses - Zoe.

"its not even that serious" i say crumbling the paper, throwing it.

"I agree, I mean it's not prom so why is she making a big deal over this?" Devi questions. Even prom shouldn't be a big deal, she's being a jealous ass bitch.

"I'm done with it. I'm sick of the drama. I'm tired"

"I know" Paxton pulls me into his arms, placing a kiss on my head. I lay my head on his shoulders and close my eyes. All I want is one minute of peace.

but nope. Suddenly I hear Devi whisper something and then I hear the clicking of heals behind me. It's Shira but Zoe isn't with her.

"Olivia, hey.."

"Um, hi?" I sit up, sitting between Paxton and Devi. Shira fiddles with her hair and sighs.

"So, you didn't hear it from me" she pauses. "I'm concerned with Zoe, she's like soo obsessed with um- Paxton"

"yeah I know" I say. It's pretty damn obvious. She doesn't have to tell me what I already know.

"What I mean is. I went to her house right, she has tons of pictures of him in her diary. With little notes of him. It's pretty um weird" I look at her then at Paxton. What the actual fuck.

"Okay.." Paxton says, he looks uncomfortable. I don't blame him, she's a psycho. Best thing to do at this point his tell her parents.

I get her parents info from Shira and she leaves, after telling me repeatedly that I didn't hear it from her.

"Should I?" I look between Devi and Paxton. they both nod, I'll do it later.

"Do it now" Devi says looking over my shoulder. Bitch are you reading my mind wtf.

"What do I even say"

"Well for starters she's a creepy stalker" Paxton shrugs. I sigh and go to messages, typing in the number she gave me.

11:15 am

Hey Mr. Maytag, you don't know me but, your daughter Zoe has been causing quite a problem up here at Sherman oaks. First of all she's been bullying me and other girls. The second thing is, your daughter is obsessed with and literally stalks my boyfriend. If you go into her room you'll find pictures of him and I'm sure she has more. Just wanted to tell you what your daughter has been up to. Have a nice day :)

ty for letting me know. I will handle this, I'm so sorry for how she's been treating you, I had no idea.

I give my phone to Paxton, so he could read it. Devi being devi looked over his shoulder.

"Wow, I'm actually surprised he didn't like cuss you out or something" Devi says. Honestly I half expected him to say something rude.

"Hopefully that fixes the problem" I put my phone back in my pocket and lay my head on his shoulder.

"You okay?" I ask, looking up at him. he gives me a small smile and nods. "I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry" he turns my head so I'm facing him. "Because if I just-"

"Olivia, shes been this way for years. I just never said anything"

"Oh-" I reply. why would he not tell anyone? shes creepy as fuck. I'd feel uncomfortable if someone was like that with me.

"why didn't you?"

"I got used to girls like her. ever since middle school, thats all they have done"

I'm sorryyy, I didn't know how to end this one. Soo

Peace out babes—Emi🦋

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