•36• Promise

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Alexa play, Here With Me by d4vd ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Here With Me by d4vd

I stand outside of Paxton's house, waiting for him to come to the door. His parents invited me over for one of their 'big breakfasts' which is more like lunch but it's really good.

I hear a set of footsteps coming closer to the door right before it opens. I look up to see Rebecca smiling brightly at me, she opens the door more and steps to the side so I can walk in.

"It's nice to see you again Liv! I've missed you" She says as she closes the door behind me. I smile and give her a quick hug.

"I've missed you too" I reply, stepping away from the hug and into the dining room where everyone is sitting, except Paxton.

Paxton's dad, Kevin, was sitting in his usual spot while June was bringing the rest of the plates to the table.

I sit down in one of the empty chairs while Rebecca takes the chair in front of me, leaving the chair beside me for Paxton.

"Where is he?" June asks as she sets the last thing down.

"I'm not sure, I heard from him earlier-" I pause as Paxton walks into the room. He smiles when our gazes meet and then walks over, sitting in the chair beside me.

"Sorry, I had to do something" He says to June. She just shrugs him off and begins talking to Rebecca about fashion stuff.

I look over at him and smile, placing a hand on his leg. He takes my hand into his, squeezing it lightly before intertwining them.

"So Olivia, do you know what college you're planning on going to?" Kevin asks.

"Oh, yeah it's between UCLA and NYU" I pause. "I'm really hoping to get into NYU though"

"That's pretty far from ASU" He says. Paxton coughs awkwardly through a bite of food so I glance over at him.


"Nothing, i um-" he pauses and looks between his parents. "I got accepted into ASU"

"That's great Pax!!" I yell excitedly, wrapping my arms around him. Once he pulls from the hug I realize why he didn't tell me yet.

My chest squeezes a little at the thought, we'll both be at opposite sides of the country, If I get accepted.

How are we supposed to make that work.

"Im happy for you" I say to him. I meant it, even though we'll be a long ways apart I want him to be happy and he's wanted to go there for awhile.

He smiles and takes my hand in his, rubbing his thumb along the back of it. I relax at his touch, keeping our hands together while I finish my food.

We spend the next few hours cleaning up the table and spending time with his family. Which consisted of them bickering back and forth about what movie to put on..


I'm laying on Paxton's bed, watching him and Trent play some weird game on his console. They've been at it for about two hours now, no break or anything.

"Come on Liv, it'd be dope if you played too" Trent says.

"Yeah I think I'll pass" I laugh and sit up more so I can see better.

The last time I played one of their games with them I got beat by a long shot, I mean I literally got zero kills. Id rather just watch and save myself the embarrassment.

"That's fine, I gotta go anyway" Trent stands up and does his handshake with Paxton before leaving.

Paxton closes the door behind him then walks over to me. He stands just at the edge of the bed and holds out his hand for me.

I give him a confused look but take his hand anyway.
He pulls me off the bed gently and heads over to the door, still hand in hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we head outside.

"For a walk"

"At night?" I question as I look up at him. He glances down at me and places a kiss on my lips.

"I mean yeah, it's pretty peaceful out here"

I look around and take in all of the beauty of the night sky. He's right it's nice out here, the stars are perfectly illuminated all around.

I gotta say this just might beat the sunrise that we saw yesterday. It was that thought that had me wondering why he was taking me to look at these things...

"Yeah it is" I finally say, holding onto his hand a little more.

We walk for a few more minutes before he stops abruptly in front of the park. I look at him for just a second before I notice what was to the side of us.

There was a big projection screen and a bunch of comfy looking chairs that were filled by my friends of course. I couldn't help but smile at all of them, I'm so grateful to have such good friends.

There were a few hollers for me to come that way but before I could, Paxton put his arms on my shoulders and turned me his way.

"What-" I pause, looking him up and down, he seems nervous or something.

"I just want to start by saying that these past 7 months have been the best. Ever since you came into my life you changed it for the better, so I wanted to give you this as a promise to you that I'm not going anywhere, it's me and you forever"

He says that and kneels down to pull out a beautiful heart shaped promise ring. I feel my heart squeeze and the tears filling my eyes, I've never felt so much love before..

"I love you Olivia" He says holding the ring out to me. I smile as I hold out my hand for him, he slips the ring on my finger then stands up and wraps me in a hug.

"I love you so much" I mumble into his chest, keeping my arms around him. We stay like that for about a minute or two and then we pull away.

"We should probably get back to them.."

"Yeah" He says, giving me a quick kiss.

Woww I had a hard time writing this ngl. It took me awhile to figure out how to end the chapter :)

Also I have no idea why the gif at the top is slow? I couldnt find another one I haven't used lol. Anyways, a few more chapters to go loves🤍

peace out babes- Emi🦋

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