•39• Nervous

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Alexa play, Shameless by Camila Cabello ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Shameless by Camila Cabello

I run my fingers along the silky fabric of a gorgeous white dress. The length was perfect but just not the right color, well not for me at least.

"I still don't see why we have to wear white dresses under the gown, I feel like it should be black or anything other than white" I tell Paxton as I add the dress to the collection of them on my arm.

I look over at him and he just shrugs, placing a hand gently on my back as we walk to the fitting rooms.

I stifle a sigh and walk into one of the stalls, shutting the door behind me. I feel kinda bad, I've been blabbering on and on all day to him, that's gotta be annoying.

It only took about 15 minutes to try on everything, including putting on a mini fashion show for him.

"Will this be all?" The cashier asks. I nod, gently tapping my card on the counter as I wait for her to scan it. "Have a great day" She smiles.

"Thanks, you too" I reply, grabbing the bag from her.

"So, where to next?" Paxton asks as we walk back into the crowded halls.

I take his hand and look around at a few stores, hoping to find one that doesn't have a bunch of strangers in them.

"We can just go, I'm not really feeling it today" I say glancing up at him.

He starts to say something but stops and releases our hands so he can wrap an arm around me. I rest my head on him while slowly relaxing at his touch.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous.. with graduation and what not"

"I know" He says while wrapping me into a hug. "But we made it and now we have the rest of our lives to look forward to"

I sigh and rub my hand gently on his back, lifting my head up slightly from his chest to talk.

"I guess that's what I'm worried about, it's kind of scary to think about. Not knowing how it's going to play out or if we'll ma-"

"Liv, I told you we'll get through it. we're going to be okay, I promise" He says, leaning down to give me a quick kiss.

"There's something I want to buy for you, maybe it will help your nerves later" he adds.

Before I could refuse he grabs my hand and leads me down past a few stores. He stops in front of one of them, giving me a moment to see if I really want to go in.

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now