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Alexa, play Ain't it fun by Paramore~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Ain't it fun by Paramore

"Good morning sleepy head" I jump out of my sleep and look to see Paxton standing in front of me. Oh, shit.

"Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep" I rub my eyes and sit up. "It's chill" he smiles, that damn smile. Not gonna lie that was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while.

"So my mom made you breakfast" my eyes go wide as he hands me a plate, what the fuck. what's happening. "Oh wow, thanks"

"I told her we were studying so, she let me bring it in here" he sits down beside me and grabs something out of his book bag.

I grab a couple bites of food then set the plate down, I scan through some of the papers he has, math, history, science. All D's.

"Which one first?" I look at him, he shrugs. "Which one are you struggling with more?" I add.

"I think, math" I nod and grab the paper, it looks like he's on pre-calculus, literally the worst thing in math ever.

we sat there for about 3 hours, most of it we laughed and talked about whatever. I never knew Paxton was so nice, I just thought he was the usual popular douche.

Don't judge a book by its cover I guess.

"Good job Pax!" I exclaim, looking over the paper I gave him to practice. he got most of them right, only like two were wrong.

"Thank you Liv, like seriously, I don't know how, but you made studying kinda fun" he looks at me, our gazes hold and he leans in. Holy fuck.

Our lips connect, moving in sync with each other. I wouldn't mind this lasting forever, but it doesn't and he pulls away.

Did I just? Kiss Paxton H-Y, Yes, I did.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I nearly choke on my words, he nods and I basically sprint out of there.

"Olivia get it together" I whisper yell, looking at myself in the mirror. Stop being an idiot. I fix up my hair and leave to go back.

"Shit, sorr-" I look to see who I bumped into. Zoe? What the fuck.

"Oh, it's you.." she makes a face at me and pushed her way past me into the bathroom. I'm pissed, oh hell no. he doesn't get to just kiss me and then plan on hooking up with her.

"Why is Zoe here?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "What do you mean"

"Look Paxton, I'm just gonna go, I don't want to get in the way" I say grabbing my phone off the table. he pulls my arm and sits me down beside him.

"Paxton!" I make a mad face at him, he laughs, I can't be mad at him when his smile is so perfect.

"You're not getting in the way of anything, I don't know why she's here" he sighs, I trust him but at the same time, why would she be here then.

"Paxxx" Zoe squeals throwing the door open. Please leave. I watch her strut her way over to him. She runs a hand through his hair, I could tell he was uncomfortable.

He was definitely telling the truth.

"Can you stop?!" I blurt out, she glares at me. I regret saying it but at the same time, she pulls away from him.

"Why, you're not his girlfriend or anything" Paxton was giving me one of those 'help me' looks after she went back to what she was doing.

"How did you even get in here" he says pushing her away. "Oh, I just told your mom I'm your girlfriend of course!"

This bitch? Obsessed much.

"Yeah well you're not so get the fuck out" I stand up, clenching my fists. I wouldn't be so mad if she wasn't a creepy obsessed bitch.

"Hmm, no" she looks at me with a smug smile on her face. alright two can play at this game.

"Hey zoe" I smirk at her, then climb onto Paxton's lap, his eyes go wide but he realizes and puts his hands on my waist.

I connect my lips with his, this time it wasn't awkward. it was amazing. I guess it wasn't working so Paxton ran his hand down from my waist and grabbed my ass.

"Ew, gross, I'm leaving" she slams the door on her way out, I giggle and pull away from Paxton. I turn to look if she actually left, she did.

I realized I was still on his lap so I quickly get up but he pulls me back down.

"Wha-" I look at him, but before I can get a word out he's pressing his lips to mine once again.

This time it was passionate, intense even. we made out for what felt like hours but, it was probably 5 minutes. (No smut for you guys, yet😉)

"you're really pretty Liv" he smiles and I blush. I hop off of his lap and sit beside him. "Thanks" I lay my head on his shoulder, he seems to tense up but relaxes almost immediately.

"On a serious note, that bitch is creepy" we both laugh.

"Zoe has issues for sure"


This one sucked ass, I'm sorry y'all, I spent like 3 days on this because I had writers block. I do admit that it's probably a little cringy too 🥲

Peace out bitches - Emi🦋

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