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"And 2000's best business award for the most achieved client rating's goes too... MST!" Everyone cheered as Draco and I walked up the large steps, I watched out so I wouldn't step on my dress.

We shook hands as the host handed us the award, Draco and I stood close the the microphone preparing for our speech.

"Wow, thank you so much. When my wife and I started our business we mostly thought it would get frowned upon.. but I guess people, normal everyday people have issues with how they receive there own pleasure. And that's ok, just visit us or our great staff and we can figure out ways to I guess make you feel something." Draco started and the crowd laughed.

"I guess it's odd we're only twenty years old and have all of these great achievements, so.. thank you." I said and the crowed cheered as we thanked the host again and got seated.

For the rest of the show it was honestly us winning, we also got best business of the decade award. The show was soon over and we sneakily transferred them back to the hotel room we were staying at here in Australia, as we walked out there was many people crowding our car and taking photos.

Many young girls were holding up photos of my runways and photo shoots asking for an autograph I signed a few and took some photos, we got into the car and I took out some chocolate from my bag and ate it.

Draco chuckled and took a piece from my hand as I gasped and snatched it back and put it in my mouth, "you little shit." Draco said and I giggled kissing his cheek.

We were in a limo and the driver had his privacy shade up, Draco kissed me and brought me closer to him. i choked and Draco pulled away, "you ok?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.

"just a bit of nausea.. oh my god, I need McDonald's." I said as I pressed the button to open the shade, "hi, can you please pull into a McDonald's? I'm just not feeling the best and I'm craving." I asked the driver.

"Of course, Mrs Malfoy."

He pulled up and wound down my window, "hi, can I please get two large big Mac meals with a sprite, a large hot Caramel sundae, a happy meal, a medium McChicken meal with a coke and.. a ten piece chicken nuggets."

"Yep, just drive on thru." They person said thru the intercom, I paid and we got our meals.

A couple minutes later we were back in the hotel, I opened the door with the bag while Draco held the drinks and my sundae. Draco put my sundae in the freezer as I walked into the guest room at the hotel and saw Snow sitting up with a sleeping Delilah in her arms.

"I got you Macca's." I said and she smiled turning off her phone and setting Delilah down.

"Ooh, nice these kids need it." She said rubbing her big bump, I handed her the meal and she thanked me.

"I'm gonna steal my kid now." I laughed as I picked up Delilah and wished Snow goodnight.

I walked into the main bedroom were Draco was laying in bed already and has our food out ready with a movie in, he made a little pillow bed for Delilah and lit candles all over the room.

"This and your dick is the reason I love you." I said and he laughed patting the bed indicating me to sit down, "hold on I need to change."

I laid Delilah down and took off the dress, leaving me in my small nightgown. I crawled into bed and laid on Draco chest as he started the movie and I ate our food, Delilah yawned and sniffed in the smell of the food. She happily stretched her arms and legs and rolled over, crawling up her fathers chest and taking a chip from his hand.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now