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I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, the silk sheet falling off my chest leaving me bare. Draco was sleeping soundly next to me, little light snores coming from his mouth.

I quietly got out of bed putting on my my robe, it was only five in the morning so I didn't check on the kids because they would still be asleep.

Instead, I walked downstairs into the kitchen for a cup of tea. Once I finished making my tea, I sat in the library reading my book sitting in the little window seat looking over the lake and forest.

I love my home.

And hour or so later, I was halfway through the book when I heard the door open, Draco peeked his head in and noticed I was in here. He walked in and closed the door behind him, "I've been looking for you." He muttered as he sat next to my crossed legs.

"I woke up early.." I hummed and kept my eyes on the book.

"Delilah's awake, she's in her room getting dressed all by herself. She said she wanted to be a big girl." Draco smiled, I softly smiled and finally set my book down after adding a sticking note to the page.

"She's growing up too fast. But anyways, I'm going in the office at like ten and won't be home until five or six. And Delilah has ballet today, but mums taking her, so you can just stay with Scorpius all day.. get to know him."

"Ok, we can do.. man stuff or whatever." He leaned back with his arms crossed as he shrugged, I laughed and shook my head.

"What?" He asked, almost looking deeply offended.

"Nothing.. just Scorpius is a more run around the house naked man." I joked, Draco laughed and picked at the hem of my robe.

I stood up and put the book back in the shelf, not thinking I'm gonna go back to it. "Oh, Scorpius is allergic to rock melon so-"

"Mumma do I look cute?!" Delilah asked coming into the room, she was wearing her Christmas ball dress from last year that barely even fit her.

"Delilah, baby go change. You have ballet in a couple of hours, and that dress doesn't even fit you anymore." I sighed and picked her up.

"But it's cute." She pouted.

"Yes it is, very cute. But you can wear your tutu before ballet?" I reasoned and her face lit up, she squealed. I put her down and she ran back up to her room.

I sighed and sat back down on the window seat, "you're gonna have a fun day.." Draco told me, I nodded groaning.

"Yep, talking to woman about orgasms all day is going to be so fun." I dragged out and lightly laughed.

"So, scorpius is allergic to rock melon?" He asked.

"Yes, we don't have any in the house but I'm just letting you know. Because there's some like fruity soaps and stuff that I just bought, and didn't check the ingredient list yet." I looked through my phone to double check my clients.

"During his nap I will check, I noticed you didn't open my presents yet." I averted my eyes to the door.

"I haven't had much time.." I trailed, Draco closed his eyes shortly. All of the designer bags and boxes were sitting right in front of me.

"Open them, right now." He shrugged, I smiled and hummed as I picked up the first box. Prada.

I pulled the silk ribbon and lifted the lid, "oh.." I muttered and lifted up the thigh high boots. "..my god."

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now