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Delilah's birthday party had just ended, it was around 6 pm. Draco was bathing Delilah and Scorpius, I was tidying up around the house and getting the kids bedrooms ready for the night.

I walk into the kids bathroom and see Draco washing Delilah's hair, I kneel down next to him and tickle a tired scorpius.

"Mumma?" Scorpius asks lifting his head.

"Aww you tired baby?" I ask, "is scorpius all washed?" I ask Draco, he nods and drains the shampoo from Delilah's hair.

I lift scorpius from the bath and dry him off, I put him in his pj's. I tuck scorpy in bed, "Mumma I want a story.."

I pick up a book from the shelf and begin the story. Once scorpius falls asleep I kiss him on the cheek and walk into Delilah's room, I see Draco tucking in a sleeping Delilah.

Draco walks up to me and kisses me, "wanna go to bed?" He asks holding my waist.

"It's a bit early.." I say as we walk to our room. We lay down beside each other and just stare into our eyes.

"Any ideas?" Draco asks.

"We can go to sleep, have a shower, watch a movie, talk or fuck" I say, Draco chuckles.

"Can we do all of those things?" Draco asks pulling me closer and kissing my neck.

I giggle and put my hand on his shoulders, "in what order?"

"Hmm the last one first, then shower, watch a movie, talk and then go to sleep.."

I sigh and get up, out of bed. Draco follows me to our wardrobe, "you're like a dog following a lamb chop.." I say getting into some lingerie.

I feel Draco come up behind me, "what's wrong with that?" he whispered and hugs my waist.

Draco turns me around before I can get a bra on, he takes the piece of clothing out of my hand and throws it across the room. He swiftly lifts me up and places me on the little sofa in our wardrobe.

I was only in panties while Draco was fully clothed, which didn't really feel fair. 

"so are you gonna be naked to?" I asked, Draco chuckled and began taking off his shirt.

"you're a little tease.." he said taking off his shirt and revealing his defined abs.

I get up and help Draco unbuckle his belt, once free I unbutton his pants and pull them down. I hum and get back on the sofa.

"now its fair.." I giggle and pull him towards me, Draco leans down and kisses my shoulder. I put my hands on his chest and feel his abs, Draco looks down and I see his erection grow.

Draco brings a hand to my thigh and rubs it, going higher and higher. I subtly spread spread my legs, showing him my wetness through my tiny panties. I sigh and pull my panties down, Draco looks up at me.

"can I?"Draco indicates, I nod and he immediately runs his fingers through my folds. I gasp as I feel him touch my clit with his thumb, moving in circles. I breathe heavier as he moves faster.

all of a sudden Draco stands up and pulls down his boxers, I bite my lip and looks up at him. he nods looking down at me, wanting me to suck him off. I place my hand around his cock and jerk him up and down, I spit on his tip and jerk him more.

Draco's head throws back and places his hand on the dresser, he moans and buck his hips forward. I lean forward, taking him in my mouth. he groans and places a hand in my hair, pushing me down onto him more. I gag, placing my hands on his thighs. moving one hand to massage his balls, he gasps tightening his grip on my hair.

"oh fuck.. just like that." he rasps, which encourages me to take him down my throat more. my eyes begin to water as I deep throat him, Dracos hips buck faster into my mouth. I gag and saliva is running down my chin from taking him. 

Dracos hips buck inside my mouth a finale time before cumin, I swallow and take him out of my mouth with a pop.

"oh love.." Draco says dropping to his knees and immediately making me lean back on the couch. he puts his head between my legs and starts to eat me out.

I moan and grip his own hair, I wrap my legs around his head as he licks my clit. Draco slips two fingers in, I moan as his thick fingers stretch me out. His fingers curl inside me as he moves his fingers at a fast pace.

Draco laps up my juices, he quickly lifts his head and pins down my waist with his free hand. he goes back to licking me out as I whine, "baby.." I moan with a whining voice.

I feel Draco chuckle which causes me the jolt, I desperately wanted to buck my hips but his hand pinning me down stops me. I squirm and move my hand to grip on the arms rest of the couch, my head falls to the side. My eyes open for a second, I scream seeing Scorpius standing in our bedroom.

"what's wrong?" Draco asks wiping his chin.

"scorpius is in our room.." I whisper, Draco looks over and his eyes widen. quickly putting out clothes back on, we walk into our room and see scorpius looking for us.

"Scorpy? why aren't you in bed?" I ask, hoping he didn't see anything.

"I heard noises." he says rubbing his eyes and turning around, "what were you doing?" 

"Dadda and I were having some adult time." I say picking him up and taking him to his room.

"oh, sissy told me that you and daddy like to have adult time."


I place Scorpius in his bed, tucking him in. "now.. can you please get some sleep? its sissy's real birthday tomorrow and we all need to surprise her with special breakfast ok?" scorpius nods his head and holds his dragon stuffed toy.

"night, night mumma.. sorry for getting out of bed." he says, I sigh and kiss his cheek.

"its ok, my love."



so fucking sorry for not posting regularly, I should be now though 😝

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