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Hailee  wants another baby, already?

I've been back for a week, why would she want one now?

I mean, I would love to have another child with her, but it's perfect how it is right now. i'm getting to know scorpius and reconnecting with Delilah. I wouldn't want to push that away because a new born would need more attention.

I was sitting outside on the patio having a smoke, it didn't have nicotine, tobacco or weed, it was just a menthol cigarette that smelled of mint and peppermint. I was about to go inside hone my father walked in through the back, side gate?

"Draco? I didn't know you were back." he stated, he looked well.

"didn't mum tell you?" I got up and shook his hand after putting out my smoke.

"no, I was on a business trip in France. here to give the children some lovely artifices from France." he told me, he was holding a felt bag with looks like lunch as well.

"oh, ok." I replied shuffling my feet on the ground.

"so, how was uhh, Italy then?" he asked.

"horrible, but that's only because I couldn't see my family." I looked inside and saw Delilah playing with a now awake scorpius.

"you had too, Draco."

"you made me leave Hailee  when she was four months pregnant! you stepped down, if you hadn't Hailee wouldn't be giving me to cold shoulder. my son would know who I am, my daughter wouldn't have to get to know me again." I whisper shouted in his face, I've been waiting years to do that.

"Draco, I had to do the same! I had to leave your mother when she was eighteen, she was pregnant and lost the baby because of the grief I caused her!" he shouted back.

"and you gave her grief for the next twenty years! abusing her, cheating on her and being a horrible father to me while her daughter she thought had died was being kidnapped and tutored in the same house that you slept in at night!" I yelled, he stepped back with a fierce look on his face.

"Draco, Lucius! stop it, the kids are inside" Hailee  and mum walked out, the Kids were looking at us through the window.

"we were done anyways." father said and walked inside.

"really?" mum asked me.

"you're saying that to me? he's the whole fucking reason I had to leave, you think I wanted too?" I asked her.

"Draco, don't swear at your mother." Hailee said looking cross with me.

"and why are you upset?" I asked turning to her.

"because you were yelling in front of the kids, you swore at mum and now you are being blunt with me." she replied with her arms cross.

"because I'm in a mood." I told her.

"well you can't get out of it, and we are not going to the fancy restaurant tonight for a date, we can go to the three broomsticks with our children and have a nice family dinner together."

"Hailee, do you know how hard it is to get that reservation?"

"well tough luck, we don't need to be spending thousands of dollars on horrible steak and stale salad, when we can spend a few galleons on a perfect meal." she walked back inside before giving me anything else to say.

I turned back to mum, "Draco, we know it was his fault that you left. I explained everything to Hailee, that's why she's being so understanding."

"good." I said and sat back down, mum following onto the chair next to me.

"after the first year you where gone, Hailee.. she was going too.."

"she was going to what, mum?"

"move on, I told her you would come back, she didn't believe me. she talked to sacred twenty eight, she wanted to try and changed the contract so she could divorce you-"

"narcissa, I told you not tell anyone that! especially Draco." Hailee had walked outside, and must've heard.

"you, were going to divorce me?" I asked her.

"Draco, I thought you were never going to come back. I wasn't going to be desperate and hung up on you."

"you, were going to divorce me! when I was simply protecting you? protecting our family!" I exclaimed.

"oh yes, because you were protecting us by getting drunk and jerking off all day!" she yelled back.

"you have no idea what I was doing, I was fixing my fathers dirty work. you don't know the shit I had to listen to every day, those people are worse than death eaters. to them, I am there Voldemort, I don't fucking want to be."

"these people, kill for fun. they go out on the street and kill people who just as much look their way. I can't do that! I don't want to kill innocent people. I am their leader, I have to do this." I explained to her.

"Draco, you're an adult. you don't." she told me.

"I have no choice, it's like being a death eater all over again! you don't understand that this family is and always will be involved with dark, evil and cruel things."

"we can change that, you are not evil. you're not your father, Draco. you hated being a death eater." she tried to reason.

"no, Hailee I want nothing more than to keep you safe and happy. but this is out of my hands, it's in my blood."

"so was being a death eater! I helped you during those times, why can't I help you again?" she came up to me and held my hands.

I closed my eyes and put my head down, "I don't need anyone to help me." I said softly.

"Draco, you don't know the amount of help you really need. when a person loves someone, as much as I love you.. we help them. during the times they think they don't need it." she rubbed my cheek, and I melted into her touch.

"I don't want to fight, and argue with you. I want to love you, but you're making it a bit hard right now." she breathy laughed, I took her hands into my own.

"thank you." I said, she smiled. she has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

"my pleasure."


sorry it's short, this was just a fill chapter with a bit of drama LMAO

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