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He softly smiled at me, I began to tear up, "you fucking, coward!" I yelled and slapped him across the face.

I covered my face and began to cry, everyone was looking at me now.

"Mummy!" I heard Scorpius yell and waddle up to me.

"Oh Merlin.." I muttered and picked him up, he was cuddling himself into me.

Draco was stuck looking at Scorpius, "whose this?" Scorpius whispered in my ear.

"Uhm, this is the man from the picture." I told him and his eyes lit up.

"My daddy?" He asked and I nodded, Draco couldn't say anything.

"He looks like me, mummy." He said.

"He does." I smiled, "Scorpius, why don't you go back to your sister ok?" I asked and put him down.

"You named him Scorpius?" Draco asked.

"Yep, Scorpius Draco Malfoy." I picked at the hem of my skirt, Draco looked down at the skirt and back up to me.

"I'm back here for good, I promise." He muttered, I shook me head laughing.

"Yeah? Well, you said that last time."

"That's not fair.."

"Yes it is.."

Draco placed his hand on top of mine, I looked into his eyes. They were full of guilt, almost as if he had to say something.

"I'm not happy about leaving, I'm even more guilty I left before you gave birth to Scorpius. But, the job is done now, I'm back here with my family.. I'm back here with you." He held my hand and rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand.

"Draco, I'm not just going to run into your arms and take you back. We're not gonna have sex tonight and then everything will be perfect, we spent so much time apart that I need to tell you what Delilah's ballet schedule is and what things Scorpius is allergic to. I don't want to have to do that, but I have to.. Because you were gone for so long."

"I know I told you, I would wait. But I stopped waiting, a long time ago." I sighed and took my hand away from his, leaving my hand cold.

"Hailee, I regret not being here. I look across the room and I see my daughter all grown up and taking care of her younger brother, that I only met two minutes ago. I'm not proud that I wasn't here for you and them, but I'm here now. That's all I can give you.."

"You didn't even write, Draco. You blocked my number and email, I couldn't even owl you for merlins sake." I wiped my tear, I tried not to cry other wise I'll start fucking lactating. "For fuck sake.." I muttered and looked at my top stating to leak.

I rushed into the bathroom with my bag, I sat in the corner as I started to pump. Draco walk in the bathroom and locked the door, "get out, Draco."


"Seriously I'm pumping."

"I've seen you pump thousands of times before, I've also seen you pump other things." I chuckled, Draco laughed along.

He sat down next to me, "I missed you.." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too, mi amor.." The door handle jiggled.

"Mummy! I need the toilet." Delilah whined, Draco go up and opened the door.

"D-daddy?" She asked, Draco lifted her up and hugged her. She began to cry and cuddled her self in his neck, "I missed you.."

"I missed you too, bunny.."

Seeing them together made we want to cry- even more. I finished pumping and adjusted myself, "c'mon Lilah, you need to go pee?" I took her to the toilet.

She did her business and I wiped her, "ok, good girl." I said putting her knickers back up and taking her to wash her hands.

Draco was leant against the wall, looks like Scorpius joined in because Draco was changing his diaper. "It's a lot more difficult to change a diaper on a boy.." he muttered.

"Get used to it, I'm not letting you leave again."

"I want daddy." Delilah said and I nodded giving her to Draco as I took over changing Scorpius.

"I'm surprised you remember your daddy, Lilah." I said to her.

"Of course I remember Daddy, he was my best friend." She giggled, Draco teared up and kissed her cheek.

Pansy walked in, "wow, the Malfoy clans back." She chuckled awkwardly.

"I guess so.." Draco muttered with a sleepy Delilah on his shoulder.

"Uhm, I need to pee. Draco this is the woman's bathroom get out."

"You're even scarier when you're pregnant.." he walked out with Delilah, rolling his eyes.

"I lied I don't need to pee, are you ok?" She asked coming up to me.

"No, I don't know.. I'm confused. He wants me to take him back straight away, but I don't know if I'm ready.." I told her and sat down on the floor holding Scorpius.

"Then don't. Make him try, because you waited for him for two fucking years. Why'll he was out there doing whatever the fuck he wanted, I mean for Merlin sake he was probably going to drag shows." She laughed and I giggled.

"His family owns the Italian mafia, he had to leave for a while to get his title up and running." I told her and she open her mouth, she awkwardly choked then chuckled.

"No wonder he looked like he didn't miss a single leg day."

"Pansy, this is no time for jokes."

"Hunny, you were over here being super woman. Raising two kids, doing fashion shows, winning modelling awards and being the worlds youngest self made female billionaire." She praised, I looked at her and held her hand.

"You're my best friend, what should I do?"

"Honestly, I don't have an answer. But make him fight for you, because I know he won't stop until his knees give out."

It all almost didn't seem real, I woke up not knowing when Draco would be back. Or even if he would come back, I did it all on my own.. now he wants to sleep in my bed? Eat my food, and spend time with my babies?

"It's your birthday, just have fun and don't worry."

"I worry all the time."

"Then stop."

"I can't." Pansy looked at me with a soft smile, she gripped my hand tighter and put her head on my shoulder.

"Whoever is writing your story, is a bad bitch."


Oh yes she is 😔

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