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"Draco, he cant be back."

"but he is, maybe even stronger than ever."

"no way he is stronger, Draco. I think the snake form of him died, bellatrix looked more terrified maybe she saw what she's always seen in him. maybe he is a human form." Draco nodded his head, he sat down onto the couch with his head in his hands.

"ok, maybe. but I will not let him have you." I sat down next to him and rubbed his shoulder.

"he won't, my love. I won't let him take me away from my family, I'm his daughter. surely he will use whatever he has left in his heart, I will ask to see him and we will talk." I looked at Draco for any expression.

"no. you are not seeing him, Hailee." Draco held my face with his palm, "I just got you back, he is not taking you from me."

"and he won't, look I will talk to him soon. but for now let's just go back to our normal life."

he sighed and got up, kneeling in front of me. "mi amor, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you."

I held his hands, his palm's cold but a warm feeling radiating from his touch. I leaned in to kiss him, "stop your fucking." we heard a low voice say from behind our couch.

Blaise was standing there with a giggling, very pregnant Luna.

"we weren't fucking.." I rolled my eyes and got up, I hugged them both, trying to mind luna's big bump.

"Draco, you need to come to my bar, have a couple of drinks for old times sake." Blaise said

"yeah, I can come some time soon."


me and luna were sitting outside bye the pool, just talking amongst ourselves.

"so.. have you been getting freaky?" luna asked wiggling her eyebrows, god I love luna.

"you could say that." I smirked and rested back in my lounge chair.

"oh my, Hailee! you have to tell me everything." she exclaimed and sat up.

"no need, mrs Malfoy. Draco told me everything, luna I can tell you." Blaise smirked strutting in with Draco.

"love, what have you told him?" I asked as he sat down at the ned of my lounge chair.

"nothing you need to know." he chuckled.

"oh Draco loves what you do with his balls." Blaise laughed.

"excuse me? what do I do with his balls?"

"you rub 'em while you suck him off."

"Draco!" I yelled and smacked him.

"ouch.. Blaise I told not to say anything I told you." Draco complained.

"Blaise, you can't say that." luna said rubbing his hand.

"sorry, looney." he joked, which earned him a smack from luna.

"don't be smart, MR, zabini." we all faced the glass doors, and to our surprise Snape was walking in.

"Snape? what are you doing here?" I asked getting up to hug him.

he reached into his deep, cant pocket, he pulled out two beige envelopes with Hogwarts seals.

"to give you these." I took them off him and opened them up.

they were dressed to Delilah, and Scorpius. Hogwarts pre academy?

"what's this?"

"Hogwarts has opened up a pre academy, to learn just mixing potions and reading charms books, stuff like that." he explained.

"its also supervised by parents, its three hours a day, three days a week. they start from the age of three, but their names are already on the top of the enrolment list."

"wow, thank you." I smiled and showed Draco the letters. he read threw them with a smile on his face, Draco proceeded to put them down onto the lounge chair and sat back down.

Snape and I followed sitting down, but before we could discuss anything else Snape got to talking.

"I already know Bellatrix has talk to you two, and I just want to confirm what she said is true." he said with an un easy expression.

"look, I don't t really want to talk about this as of right now. we can discuss this later?" I asked, he nodded his head.

"so, she will Delilah start?" Draco asked, it only just imprinted on my brain shell be three in two weeks.

"well she will start on January 5th next year, like all the regular school students." Severus replied.

"what about Zent?" luna asked, with a smile on her face.

"the letter should have already arrived at your house." he responded, he checked his watch and stood from the seat.

"I better get going, I have a class in 15 minutes." we all said our goodbyes as he apparated back to Hogwarts.

Draco, Blaise, luna and I all chatted for an hour or so, jut chatting up before they had to leave to pick up Zent from a friends house.

Draco and I still had another day before the kids come home from mums, so we spent the rest of our evening relaxing on the couch with Cleo and Daisy.


it was now dinner time, Draco and I were making some nice sandwiches and fruit together in the kitchen, "love, can you pass the lettuce." I handed the iceberg over to him as he pulled it apart to put on his sandwich.

once we were all cozied up back on the couch with our dinner and drinks, we began to watch a movie. it was about two lovers who are forced apart by their families and suffer from heartbreak as they were forbidden to see one another, only for the woman to find her lover dead once she ran away to find him.

I wiped my tears as the credits rolled, I looked over at Draco to find a tear slipping down his cheek too. "are you crying, mr Malfoy?" I asked whilst wiping my own.

"no, somethings in my eye, thats all." he said and quickly got up to put our plates and cups away in the kitchen.


Draco came back, and looked at me from the door way, he crossed his arms and leaned against the frame. "you wanna have sex?" he asked, with zero expression.

I sighed, "you speak with your dick."

"i'd like you to try speak with my dick down your throat."

"fuck off, do it yourself." I said switching the flat screen off, leaving the room dark and quiet.

I turned on my flash light to find Draco in front of me, I yelped and slapped him.

"you scared me, prat." I said getting up and making my way upstairs.

"oi." Draco called out from behind me.

i turned around and saw him walk into the 'adult' play room.

"no." I said walking through the doors, to be met with Draco who is already eating on the bed.

"don't you wanna ride on a real cowboy?" he said jokingly with a Texan accent.

I laughed and walked over to him, "maybe later, cowboy." I smiled and rubbed his arm.

"alright, let's go to bed then." he said with his head hung low as he got up and walked out of the room.

"kid." I muttered whilst walking out closing and locking the door behind me.


sorry the late update ;)

Don't worry, smut next chapter :0

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