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A few days have gone by and the police had reported Tom Riddle dead on the news, no one except family knows how he died. But it finally felt like our life was getting back to normal.

We moved back home and Delilah is resuming her ballet lessons, she starts the Hogwarts junior academy in a few months.

I was in the middle of a photoshoot with Vivienne Westwood when my phone rang, "I'm sorry!" I exclaimed to the team and pick it up from my bag. I saw that it was Draco.

"Hi love, sorry for interrupting but Delilah has a really bad fever.." he tells me, I sigh and start worrying.

"I'll be home soon, give her some medication and see how she feels alright."

"Okay love you." He says softly.

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and put it back in my bag.

I turn to the director, "I'm really sorry I have to get going, my daughter's really sick..." I explain, trying to undo my zip but it was getting stuck.

"Uhm no, no you go it's fine." I thank everyone and quickly get changed when my agent stops me.

"Yes?" I ask, getting impatient.

"Dior wants to know if you'll be doing New York fashion week? And what brands are you already doing?" She asks.

"I have a contract with Versace, Chanel and Tom Ford.." I say and she nods biting her lip."

"Ok.. will I tell them you can't?"

"No, Dior is the whole reason I have a modelling career. Just tell them my availability's, I'm so sorry I have to go. Thank you!" I quickly jog to my car and start driving home.

After a long hour I finally get home and run inside, I see Draco smiling at me in the couch.

"Is she okay?" I ask still worried.

Draco gets up and kisses me, "she's asleep, I gave her some medication. It must've made her drowsy."

I sigh and put my bag down, "thank you.." I smile and hug him, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

I see Scorpius waddle in the room smiling as he see's me, "Mumma!" He squeals and runs to me.

I pull away from Draco and take Scorpius into my arms.

"Hello my baby boy, how was your day with Daddy?" I ask kissing his cheeks.

He giggles, "good, I got nuggets!" I look at Draco with an eyebrow raised.

"You little spoilt boy.." I smile and put him down, Scorpius continues holding my hand as he stands next to me.

Draco smiles at him, "he was being extra good." He tells me and I nod.


It was night time, the kids had just been out to bed and Draco and I were cuddling in bed.

Draco starts slowly kissing my shoulder and up to my neck, I shiver slightly and hold his hand, feeling myself sink deeper into his touch. I whine a little as he sucks on my sweet spot.

I turn around and smile as I kiss him, he pulls me in closer and holds me as we make out passionately.

Draco moves his hands through my hair and groans softly as our tongues move together, I sigh gently and straddle him. Feeling myself get more and more wrapped in his touch. I smile as he pulls away to look straight me.

"You're so beautiful.." he whispers and caresses my face, his fingers trace over my plump lips and down my neck his eyes falling down to my chest covered by my silk nighty.

I follow Draco's gaze and slowly pull the straps of my nighty down, letting it fall freely. He lets out a shaky breath as my naked breasts are revealed to him, he allows his hand to kneed and touch them, pinching and rolling his fingers between my nipples letting me feel a euphoric sensation.

"Tonight's all about you my love.." he says gently and he fully removes my nighty, I nod at a loss of words letting Draco explore my body all on his own.

Draco lays me down and gets on top of me, I lick my lips and look at him as he caresses my entire figure, feeling every crevice and getting to know my body in a way he never has before.

He gets to my panties and looks up at me, "may i?" He asks, I nod saying yes and he pulls them off, throwing them across the room.

I giggle as he spreads my legs and takes a look at my glistening, wet pussy. His mouth waters and instantly dives in burying his face into me.

I gasp loudly and arch my back as he eats me out, tugging on his hair I feel him groan into me. I sigh and giggle softly feeling myself enjoy the pleasure he's bringing to me.

He sucks on my clit and I moan, tugging more into his hair. He moves his hand towards my entrance, he thrusts two fingers in and starts moving them in a rhythmic movement.

I gasp and moan more as he brings me even further into a state of euphoria, I feel myself pulse around his fingers and I breathe heavily trying to contain my orgasm.

All of a sudden his fingers pull out and he remove himself from between my legs, I sigh as my legs shake a little becoming needy for more touch.

Draco chuckles at my reaction and starts taking his clothes off, once completely naked he crawls back over to me and smirks.

"Wanna get fucked like the slut you are?" He whispers, I nod spreading my legs more whining.

He chuckles and thrusts into me, we both moan softly as he puts his whole length inside me. I hold him close to me and kiss his cheek as he starts thrusting, I scratch his back and sigh.

Draco's head was on the shoulder, I could hear his soft moans and groans while thrusting into me. My legs wrap around his waist which encourages him to go faster, I start moaning more and he groans in my ear.

"Fuck so tight.." he whispers and holds my hands onto the bed, my eyes roll back as I continue moaning loudly into the night.

Draco moans in my ear and picks my body up so he's sitting on bed and I'm on his lap, I start bouncing on him. His head knocks back and his mouth open, I giggle and put my hands on his face pulling his head down to me.

I kiss him roughly, his hands go to my back and pull me to his chest as I keep riding him.

"Baby.. fuck." He moans and I feel his dick twitch inside of me, I giggle and pout at him.

"Someone gonna cum?" I say softly, he nods and moans. His head falling back again, I ride him harder, bouncing up and down on his cock. I he's him groan and pull my closer to his chest, we end up falling back down onto bed with me on top of him as he cums inside of me.

I giggle and ride out my orgasm as well, feeling myself cum on his dick.

Draco puffs and chuckles, "holy shit.." he exhales a smile.

I smile back as I move the hair from his sweaty forehead.

"I love you." I smile at him.

"I love you more."



OKAY I know I've been naughty and haven't posted but if I'm gonna be so honest I legit forgot 🥲

LOVE YOU ALL! Promise from now on MAYBE a new chapter every fortnight??

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