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tw; rape, sexual assault and trauma.


she screams, cries, fights her way from underneath him. he wouldn't move, he kept moving inside of her.

"stop!" she yells through tears of terror, he wouldn't stop, she felt as if he would never stop doing this to her.

he's been stalking her for months, begging for attention from her for so long.

"merlin, you feel so fucking good." she closes her eyes and rests her head to the side against the cold wooden floors, he was groaning and chanting her name making himself feel good.

he had scratches from her trying to pry him off herself, she hurt so bad, she couldn't feel it. she just wished someone would walk through those brown oak doors at any second, prying him off of her.

she was stripped naked, feeling so uncomfortably insecure of her own body that was being taken from her.

where was the one guy she trusted when she needed him most?

she had been forced by him once before, and she stopped it. why couldn't she now? she felt useless, frail, insecure and most of all, weak.

he wouldn't stop, he didn't want to. he wanted to feel her, trust her, make her feel disgusting in her own body. he doesn't deserve anything from this, making her feel so bad about herself, resorting to self harm, from what he's done in the past.

she was only 13, he was only 14. and he was starting to rape young girls at this age? not knowing shit about consent, or how she would feel.

making young girls feel so horrible about themselves, they would want to take their own life.

she, this young girl was me. he had made me feel so disgusting in my own body, I didn't want to live in it anymore, I didn't want to live at all.

I ask for all young girls and woman, to stand up for this horrible assault that is so horribly common in todays world. we need to fight back, and prove to these men we are more than a sex doll, or a toy or an object.

because, i. have been through it, my sister has been through it and I do not want you to go through it.

but what also overlooked is that woman can rape to, my best friend has been raped not once but twice from the same and opposite sex. and my husband, from the same man that did it to my sister for 13 years.

stand up for our rights, no matter what gender, race, what you look like or who you are attracted too.

stand up.

- Hailee, M

I published my report to my home page and closed my laptop, I sighed and closed my eyes wishing the memories  would fade away. but those memories, wouldn't make me who I am today.

the amazing, wife, mother and daughter in law I am. my phone started going off from the post getting a lot of attention, I switched it off and left it in my study.

I don't wanna deal with all of the attention right now.

the only attention I want, is from my husband.

I walked down stairs into the living room, where Draco was watching a movie.

"I saw your post.." Draco said once I sat down next to him on the beige couch.

"well, I posted it for people to see it." I softly smiled.

"you never told me that much, was it easier to write it?" he asked, rubbing my arm.

"it was, it didn't feel like I was trauma dumping, it didn't feel like I was telling a horrible, sad story. it felt real, like it's ok to write down what you're feeling."

"it is, darling. it doesn't matter how you tell your story, as long as you're going at your own pace." Draco kissed my cheek.

"I love you." he didn't say anything, he just leaned in and pecked my lips. his own way of telling me he loved me, Draco was more of a physical love, then verbal.

"so, we still going on that date?" he asked me while sitting up and turning to me.

"of course, but.. after writing that I don't think i'll want to have sex tonight, it just-"

"you don't have to explain yourself, if you don't want to have sex. we won't, I just want a nice night with my girl." I smiled at him, he's makes me feel so safe.

even though he owns a fucking mafia.

"aww, say that again."

"hmm, my girl." he smirked, I threw myself on him and kissed all around his face.

"aww, your gonna make me blush." Draco chuckled, and I pulled away.

I was about to say something, when I heard the front door open. Delilah and mum walked in with a box of doughnuts.

Delilah had chocolate and sprinkles all over her face, "grandma got doughnuts." she exclaimed and sipped her strawberry shake.

"I can see that." I smiled and wiped her face with a tissue, she coughed and wiped her nose from all the sprinkles that made their way up her nose.

messy eater, this one.

"mumma, where's scorpy?"

"he's having a nap, why don't you eat your treat and watch a movie with daddy while I talk to Grandma ok?" I told her and picked her placing he next to Draco.

she nodded her head and placed her half eaten doughnut on Dracos chest, I ushered mum to the kitchen.

"what's up?" she asked sitting at the counter.

"ok, Draco only came back a week ago and I already want another baby." she laughed and then covered her mouth.

"i'm sorry, what? you drink too much wine in the day time."

"I mean, pansy and luna are pregnant, I can finally get pregnant again because.. well never mind. and I want another one." I explained to her.

"ok, so ask him?" I sighed and groaned.

"no, I don't think he would want another one.."

"why wouldn't he? he's an amazing father and he didn't get to see scorpius get born or Delilah grow up, he might like seeing the full experience for the first time."

"god I really fucking hate him for leaving. mum, what have you created? a man whose too good."

"well thank you, your words not mine."

"like, I want another baby. but I don't at the same time." I explained to her.

"ok, maybe in a couple of years? or of it happens it happens, like the other two.. three times." I touched my necklace of the thought of my third baby.

I heard a throat clear, Draco was standing at the other end of the kitchen.

"hi.." I said after turning around a wincing.

"my answer, later." he said then walked out of the room.

what the fuck was that?

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now