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Draco was quiet today, a bit too quiet for my liking.

He went to see his father and came back a bit distraught, I had asked him what was wrong but he just brushed it off. Right now I was preparing dinner when Draco walked in sighing. I turned around and asked him what was wrong, I was was replied with a shirt groan as he looked up at. E, taking a seat on a stool.

"Dad informed me that.. Tom Riddle was spotted killing two children this morning. He got away before Auras could catch him.." Draco explained and I shortly chuckled in disbelief.

"No. No.. he's not after children. He said he had changed!" I exclaimed and held my chest, Draco got up and looked me in the eyes.

"They were three and five.." he told me as I shook my head.

"Does this mean he's after.. our babies?" I said a tear slid down my cheek, Draco wiped it away and sighed.

"Most likely.."

I turned around and went back to cooking, I had to distract myself from all the horrible thoughts.

"Love.." Draco breathed out, I wiped my arms and turned back around to face him.

"I'm not letting the children out of my sight.. he knows where we live Draco!" I shout and the kids look at me from the lounge room, where they're playing together.

"I know.. look. Father and I put wards up around the perimeter of the house."

"Don't forget he got into hogwarts! As we watched on his team!" I put my head down and take a deep breath, anger filling me.

"Why don't we move into the penthouse of our building..? Surely he can't risk being seen using magic by muggles, we have high security and are safe there. Not to mention you can barely use magic in London." It was a good idea, but the kids would need to know why.

"What will say to the kids?" I whisper.

"That.. some works getting done on the house?" He asked, I nodded and looked back at the kids shortly.

"I'll start packing, after dinner." I tell him and go back to finish cooking.


Two weeks go by, we moved into the penthouse on top of the 'MST' building. It's quite nice up here, it's not home however. Toms attacks are becoming more frequent, just outside of London yesterday to teenagers were found dead in a town house with their mother tied up forced to watch.

The news report on the daily prophet made me cry, what such a horrible thing to go through. I had reached out to all the mothers and fathers of the victims- sent them care packages and offered to pay for the funerals to the families who were on a tight budget but wanted a proper goodbye.

I lay awake at night, thinking of what could happen to the kids. I shouldn't, but I can't help it. With everything going on.. I feel sixteen again.

I haven't had a proper sleep in ages, I'm becoming moody. I'm not showing affection nor attention to anyone. Draco's been patient, knowing how I'm feeling. Tom made me trust him, and now does this? What a fucking disgusting man. Not even a man, a boy.

Currently, I'm laying bed. It's four AM, and you guessed it. Haven't had a minute of sleep. Draco rolled over and rubbed his eyes, walking into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and the tap run, he walks back out and notices me up.

"Can't sleep again, baby?" He asked laying down and brining me to his chest.

I hum and nod.

Draco kisses my bare shoulder, I turn around so I'm on my back. Draco leans in and kisses me, I hum again and wrap my arms around his neck.

Draco groans and gets on top of me, still kissing me he begins to pull down my panties, under my night gown.

"Let me distract you.."  I nod and bite my lip, I feel his fingers press against my bare heat, I moan lightly at his cold fingers.

Draco leans back in, kissing me again. I buck my hips up, wanting more. He laughs and circles my clit, "such a needy girl."

Wasn't long until I was in a state of euphoria, two weeks without sex can do that quickly. As Draco moves inside me, our hips rolling together we moan into each others mouths as we kiss. Draco places me legs on his shoulders, I squeal and moan as he thrusts deeper. I breathe heavily and scratch Draco's back.

I swiftly flip us around so I was on top, I sunk down onto his dick and began riding him with fast prances. Draco moans and holds my waist down, guiding me as he trusts his hips up. I giggle and lean down kissing his neck, "I'm not gonna last much longer, baby.." he says, our tongues dancing together.

I lift my head back up, guiding his hands to need my tits. I moan as I bounce on top of him, my hands steadying myself on his chest. I feel Draco twitch inside me, I enjoy watching him suffer trying not to come. He squeezes my boobs and rolls my nipple between his fingers, he leans up and start to such on my right nipple.

I throw me head back and moan, feeling myself chasing my orgasm.

My eyes roll back as I moan and feel myself come on Draco's throbbing dick, he soon follows coming inside me. I pull him out and puff as I lay down on his chest, Draco brings his hands to my back and moves his hand up and down comfortably.

"I love you." He says, kissing my forehead.

"I love you, too." I hum and kiss his shoulder, I relax in his arms. For the first time in ages, I wasn't thinking about such horrible things.

"He can't hurt us.." Draco assured me.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I whisper, he nods and kisses my head again.


The next few days were quiet, I thought we were safe to go home until he attacked a half-blood family a few streets away from our house. Tom was getting closer and closer, I'm glad he doesn't know we're we are. But being Tom Riddle, I'm sure he's thought ahead and assumes we're not home.

The only thing I can do, is provide support for the other families. Keep my family close and protect them as best as I can.

The other night did calm my thoughts for a few hours, until Draco had fallen back to sleep and I was alone with my thoughts. I have no idea how he can act so calm.. especially during a time like this.

All I'm doing now is praying for time I spend without family, because one way or another.

Tom will succeed. - because he's a determined ducking cunt.


Hey guys! Don't forget to smile 😀

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