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I was half asleep when I felt Draco pull me closer to him, I groaned and turned around to face his chest.

"It's your birthday.." he whispered and kissed my head.

"It's just the day I was born twenty years ago.." I yawned and opened my eyes.

"I know,but you're going to love what I have planned." He grinned.

"I just wanna lay in bed, naked, with you, all day." Draco laughed and rolled on top of me.

"Well, you definitely will be in bed, naked with me by the end of the day." He smirked while kissing me.

"Mumma!" Delilah yelled as she waddled into the room.

"Hi, baby!" I exclaimed and rolled Draco off me as he groaned. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks, her hair was messy and her shirt was rolled up. "You had a good sleep huh?"

"Dadda." She whispered and made big eyes at Draco, he took her and cuddled her. Delilah wrapped her chubby arms around Draco's neck and kissed him, Draco chuckled and she squealed as she squeezed his cheeks.

"Milk!" She yelled and I got up to make her milk, I defrosted some breast milk for her and warmed it up in a bottle. Her bottle was like in the shape of a donut so it was easy for her to hold, but a bastard to fill up.

"There you go." I said handing it to her and sitting on the bed, she smiled widely and started to drink. Delilah was sat on Draco's chest as she suckled on her bottle, a bit of milk fell from Delilah's mouth and onto Draco's chest.

"Oosy.." she muttered and looked at the milk on his chest, he chuckled and wiped it with a bib. (Oopsy)

"It's ok, baby." He rubbed her back and she got back to her feed, Draco turned to me and smiled. "I have a gift for you, well I have a lot of gifts. But I'm giving you this one now."

Draco reached over to his bed side table and handed me a small wrapped box, I opened the wrapping a saw that it was a Dior box. I opened it and gasped, it was a blue stone with the letter 'A' on it.

"The stone is made from Angelo's ashes.." he muttered, I started to tear up holding the necklace close to my chest.

"Thank you.." I said through tears, he rubbed my thigh and smiled at me. I leant down and kissed him, I heard the the door bell ring, I put on my robe and walked down to the foyer.

I looked through the design on the glass door, and saw the gang. I opened the door, "happy birthday!" They all yelled.

"Thanks, guys." I said and hugged everyone.

"Draco, put your pants back on, and come down here!" Matthew yelled, and Draco came down with Delilah.

"I already have pants on." He rolled his eyes, and greeted everyone.

We were sat in the living room all laughing a joking around, presents came around and I began to open them. Pansy and Matthew got me a pair of heels and silk bed sheets, Luna and Blaise got me a locket with a picture of all three of us at graduation and a case of pure real crystals.

"Thank you, guys." I said and hugged them once again, Cleo and Daisy ran in together from the back door. They were rolling around and the ferret was jumping on the dogs back.

Draco was still holding Delilah as she slowly had her bottle, I heard the front door open and saw, Mum, Lucius, Bellatrix and Snow.

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