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Draco and Hailee were drunk, not suprsising they are light weights. we were on our way home, Lucius was driving and the couple was sitting in the back.. all over each other.

they were making out which wasn't pleasant to see or.. hear. "break it up." Lucius said to them.

Draco groaned, "shut up, we're adults." he said and got back to kissing his wife.

"seriously, Draco. wait, until your home." I sighed, they pulled apart.

"looks like I have to wait to have sex with my wife." he whispered to Hailee while she giggled.

"son, I don't think you would want to have sex in the car, with your parents driving." Lucius chuckled.

"yeah dray, that's gross." Hailee said, Draco groaned and slumped back down in his seat.

we soon got back home, Lucius helped Draco and I helped Hailee up stairs into their old bedroom.

"ok, don't be too loud." Lucius shortly chuckled, we made our way out of their room and soon went to our own.


I woke up from my slumber, in our old room in the manor. Draco wasn't in bed which I found odd, I went to get up but then noticed I was naked. our clothes and underwear were scattered all around the room.

Draco walked our the bathroom, I gasped when I saw the state he was in. hickeys, and scratch marks all over his body.

"oh my merlin.." I exclaimed, Draco chuckled and took my hand leading me to the bathroom. I too had hickeys, bite marks and bruises all over my collarbones and neck.

"what did we get up to last night?" I asked him, still in shock.

"well.. from what's in my camera roll I think I can guess." he said, pulling his phone out from his pocket and showing me the photos and videos of our... time last night.

"fucking hell.." I muttered laughing.

we watched the videos which all together went for over two hours.. "well we certainly had fun last night.." Draco said, beginning to get dressed.

we finished getting ready from the day and made our way downstairs, "mummy!" Delilah and Scorpius exclaimed, running over to hug me.

"hello my babies." I kissed their cheeks, Draco picked up Delilah and kissed all over her face while she giggled.

we sat down in the dining room, Snow came in with the twins. "ah hello cowgirl." she laughed greeting me.

"what?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? you kept the whole house up with your rodeo." she laughed, eating a croissant.

"yeah mummy, what were you doing?" Delilah asked.

I looked at Draco, wide eyed.

mum and Lucius walked in, "well here's the young cowgirl." mum laughed.

"what is going on?" I asked.

"next time, I suggest a silencing charm." Lucius said.

Draco and I chuckled, looking at each other.

"anyways.. Delilah it's your birthday party tomorrow!" I exclaimed to the toddler.

"I know! I'm so excited for all my presents" she clapped eating her pancakes drowned in maple syrup and ice cream, I laughed at my very materialistic daughter.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now