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Me and Draco were sat on either side of the bath, bathing both of our kids.

Delilah was playing with barbie dolls and Scorpius was playing with dragons, I rinsed out Delilah's long locks and picked her up out of the bath.

I put her in her pyjamas that matched with mine, I braided her hair and kissed her cheeks. Draco got scorpius all maned up in his Skelton onesie, and rough dried his hair.

We all laid down on the couch and watched a movie together, Delilah was between my legs eating some popcorn while Draco and Scorpius were laying together next to us.

I was tucked underneath Draco's arm, the kids had their eyes pealed on the flat screen. Draco would sneak a few kisses to my neck every other minute or so, I looked over at the clock, hmm they can go to bed now.

"Ok, bed time." I said getting up as the credits rolled, they complained but eventually they were all tucked in and fast asleep.

We closed over the kids doors, Draco walked towards me, he pulled me close to him. Our heads rested together for a moment before he pulled our lips together.

"Let's go to bed, I have snacks and adult movies." Draco held my hand as we walked down the hall to our bedroom, we closed the door over as we got to our room.

I had to have a shower, so I went into the bathroom, I turned on the shower while I got undressed and did my skin care.

"Hailee, why do you have chocolate that makes you horny?" Draco asked coming into the bathroom and hopping on the counter.

I washed off my cleanser and looked at him, "I don't know, Pansy got it for me." I replied while toning my face.

I noticed Draco slipping off his pants and get into the shower, "Draco, I was going to have a shower."

"Then have one with me, c'mon I'll wash your hair." I froze, I eventually ended up joining him however.

Draco was under the water, wetting his pale blonde hair, he ran his hand through the wet strands. While I stood there just admiring everything about him, his actions, his body, his hair, his..


"You ok?"

"Huh? Yeah." I sort of felt a bit insecure about Draco seeing me fully naked when I'm not all flustered and in a sexy mood, my body has changed. I definitely gained weight from my pregnancy with Scorp, it kind of stuck with me, as well as the stretch marks.

"Are you going to shower?" Draco looked down at me, I tightened the clip holding my clean hair up as he made his way closer to me, naked and hot.

I was breathing heavily, I almost felt faint, his wet steamy body, the water dripping from his pale locks.

"Darling, are you sure you're ok?"

I licked my lips and looked up at him, our body's were just mere a few inches away from touching. He reached up and touched my shoulder, the small touch alone sent shivers down my spine.

He moved his hand up my collar bone, up my neck and lifting my chin to meet his stare.

"Hailee, you're here to shower, I'm not gonna fuck you against the wall.."

"I know, have you gotten bigger?" I asked, a look of confusion crossed his face until he smile and chuckled.

"I don't think so, last time I checked it was still 11' erect and 9' soft."

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now