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I wake up the next morning, wrapped in soft white blankets and Draco's arms around me as he softly breathes heavily while he sleeps.

I gently slip out of bed and put my robe on, I go across the hallway and peeped into Delilah and Scorpius' bedrooms. They're still sleeping, so I go downstairs and make myself a coffee.

I was sipping on it and going through my phone when I notice Draco walk down and smile softly as he sits next to me.

"Morning, love" he yawns and kisses my cheek.

"Morning." I smile and put my phone down.

Draco makes himself a honey tea, adding 3 spoons of honey and sugar. I eye him and shake my head amused, same tea since he was 7.

He comes sit next to me once again and drinks his tea with a satisfied look on his face.

"How can you be a mob boss and drink that?" I ask, laughing a little.

He gives me a look as if he's offended, "I don't like tea or coffee unless it's sweet." He says taking another sip.

I hum and shrug my shoulders, admiring defeat. We both sit in a nice silence, waiting for the kids to get up.

Just as Draco was going to say something Delilah slips down the stairs, "mummy, Daddy!" She squeals and runs up to us.

"Hi, baby girl." Draco smiles and lifts her to his lap, she picks up his tea and takes a sip. Delilah cringes.

"Too sweet, Daddy." She says and puts the cup down.

I laugh silently and sip on my coffee, Scorpius climbs down the stairs and waddles towards us as he rubs his eyes.

"Scorpy, you tired?" I ask as he walks up to me, he nods and sniffles gently.

I pick him up and fix his pyjamas that were all crinkled, I run my hand through his blonde hair and kiss his cheek.

Scorpius lays his head on my shoulder and hugs me, I pat his back and hold him gently.


A few hours pass, I was currently getting ready for the day and Draco was playing with the kids.

I finish my getting ready and walk out to the living room, where they all were.

I see Scorpius and Delilah playing with blocks while Draco was watching them, I go over to Draco and sit next to him.

"They behaving?" I ask.

He nods and smiles over at me, "they had a fight over a Lego piece but that's all." He chuckles softly.

I hum and watch the kids play together, Scorpius looks over and smiles at me. I smile back and blow him a kiss.

"He's such a mummies boy." Draco mutters.

"Like father, like son." I say, cheekily.

"I am not a mummies boy." Draco says, crossing his arms.

I laugh amused, "please, if it were up to you. Mum would be living with us."

"That's so not true, I wanna be able to do it wherever." He says and smirks at me.

"Even with the kids around?" I ask and his face drops.

"No, Merlin no. After they go to bed, or aren't home. We can also take them to mums, if mum lived here we wouldn't be able to do that."

"True.." I mutter, Draco chuckles to himself and places his hand in my thigh.

"You look beautiful, is this new?" He says referring to my outfit.

I nod, "thanks, it's something some new brand sent me. I like it."

Draco hums and look at my outfit, before looking back at Delilah and Scorpius. Scorpius comes up to me and hands me his toy block he was holding.

"Can you hold this for a second mumma?" He asks politely.

"Of course baby." I smile and hold the block as he goes and moves around a few toys before coming back, taking the block and adding it to his pile.

I giggle lightly as I watch our kids play.


It was now night and the kids were asleep, Draco was doing some work in his office and I was laying in bed scrolling through a few emails.

Deleting spam, answering a few brands, my agent and scheduling an appointment with a jewellery store.

I close my laptop just as Draco walks in and smile at me, he slips off his slippers and gets into bed hugging my waist.

"You're so beautiful.." he hums and kisses my shoulder.

I smile and turn to face him, I cup his cheek with one hand and gently kiss him on the lips. Draco kisses me back more forcefully and I whine gently into his mouth.

He gets on top of me and holds my hands with his above my head, I smile as he pulls away for a moment to look down at me.

"What?" I mutter softly as he stays quiet, just looking at me.

Draco releases my hands and holds my left ring finger to his mouth, planting a soft kiss to my engagement and wedding ring.

"I'm so glad I married you.." he says softly and smiles at me.

I smile back, "I'm glad I married you too."

Draco leans back down and kisses me again, this time more passionate but hungry. I tangle my hands through his blonde locks as our mouths move together.

He brings one his hands up my silk nighty and holds my waist, I moan lightly at his cold touch and force his head down to kiss me deeper.

He chuckles and moves down to kiss my neck, I breathe heavily as my head tips backs for Draco to kiss more freely.

I subconsciously wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down onto me, Draco looks down at me once again.

"Needy?" He asks, a light smirk on his face.

"Only for you.." I whisper, Draco's smirk widens and he reaches down to lift up my nighty revealing my naked chest and small panties.

I remove it fully and Draco looks down admiring my half naked body underneath him.

"I'll never get sick of this." He groans and kisses down my body, his tongue tracing down my stomach until he's just above my panties.

"Can I remove these, my love?" He asks, directing at my panties.

"Yes." I nod, Draco didn't spare a second to remove my panties and throw them across the room.

He spreads my legs and admires my wet pussy, I sigh and look down at him.

"Do what you want." I say, he looks up at me and smirks one more time before he brings a hand to my pussy and gently rubs my clit.

My hips buck at the touch of his cold finger tips on my sensitive nub, "this is gonna be a long night."


Hey queens, sorry for robbing you lol.

This part of the story will end at chapter 30 moving onto Delilah and Scorpius being teenagers for another 20-30 chapters, I'm losing motivation for this story and want to get all my ideas out so it doesn't take another 2 years lol

Thank you all so much for the love and support 🩷

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