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I groaned as I got up and out of bed, I've been home for about a month now and i've loved it. Hailee and I have been trying for a baby, nothings happened yet though. it's nearly Delilah's third birthday, in about two weeks, and merlin she is excited.

Hailee and I planned Delilah's party a week ago, she wanted it fairy and angel themed so we ordered many gorgeous decorations and a white and light pink cake with an angel topper.

the kids were staying at mums for the weekend, they like to stay there some weekends. I had no clue where my love was, so I wondered the house only wearing my boxers. I had found her in the office going through her book collection and organising them.

"ah, hello dray." Hailee smiled, she came up to me and pecked my lips. she was only in her bra and panties as well, not bothering to put on clothes.

"well you look very pretty, my love." I said holding her waist, she smiled and stared at me.

"what?" I asked her.

"nothing, you just look very sexy." she moved away and kneeled on her knees organsing the books again.

"what do you want for breakfast?" I asked sitting on her chair.

"you, oh wait I had you for dessert last night.." she giggled.

"very funny, mi amor." I said going up to her and hugging her waist from behind, resting my head on her shoulder.

she lifted a hand up and rubbed my cheek, "you ok, love?" she asked turning around.

"mhm, just missing the kids." I told her, she pouted and kissed my cheek.

"me too, they keep me young." Hailee went onto her phone after putting on a robe, I sat behind her on the little beanbag. seemed to be FaceTiming mum.

she had answered, but it wasn't mum, it was Delilah.

"mummy!" she exclaimed through the screen.

"hello, bunny" Hailee and I said at the same time.

Delilah was talking with us through screen, before mum came on the phone. "oh hello, you two."

"hi, mum." Hailee replied.

"did you have something you needed to tell me?"

"uh, yeah. would you be able to take the kids next week? I have to go to Paris for a couple nights for this photoshoot and my walk with Victorias secret, Draco wanted to come." Hailee asked her.

"of course I can, that's not a problem at all, I love seeing my grandbabies."

"ok, thank you. that's all I wanted to ask, i'll see you tomorrow." we ended the call.

once Hailee put her phone down, I crawled on top of her and starting kissing her neck.

"dray, c'mon we just woke up." she giggled.

"I just woke up, not you. and besides we've had sex half asleep before." I said and hovered over her, tucking a piece of hair away from her face.

"yeah, but. I don't feel like doing anything." she said, I got off her and laid down beside her body.

"ok, well food should be here soon. what do you wanna do?" I asked, we heard a knock on the door.

"thats was quick, if it's food." hailee said getting up and going down to the front door.

I quickly followed after her, I peeked through the window and saw my aunt. Bellatrix? I quickly put on some grey sweats and a white singlet.

we opened the door, she had her back turned to us.

"Bella?" Hailee questioned and slightly touched her shoulder.

she jolted and withered turning around, "is he here? have you seen him?" she asked frantically coming inside and closing the door behind her.

"is who here? aunt, what are you talking about?" I asked following her as she paced around our house.

"no, no, no.. he can't be back." she muttered to herself, what is she going on about?

she kept on holding her left arm, did she get hurt by someone?

Hailee looked over at me as we both frantically followed her around the house, outside and circled back around to the living room.

"Bella! what is going on?" Hailee exclaimed.

"shut up! he'll hear you... he's fucking dead for merlin's sake!"

"whose dead?!" I exclaimed.

"no, no. I thought he was- a lot of fucking people knew he was.. dead." Bellatrix finally sat down on the couch, I've never seen her like this in my life.

she slumped down groaning while holding her left forearm, "Bella, did you hurt your arm?" Hailee asked kneeling down in-front of her.

"uhm, no- i." Hailee lifted up her sleeve.

the dark mark.

"bellatri- oh my god." hailee stumbled back.

I caught her before she fell to the ground, "is 'he' back?" I asked holding hailee up.

she nodded, "he came to my house, I thought I was seeing things. but- I- I.. he doesn't want Harry Potter, he want's Hailee."

"and why did he come to you first?" I asked.

"because I was in love with him, and he knew that. but he always knew Hailee was his daughter, but he couldn't do anything. he doesn't want to kill her, he just wants her.

"what does that fuck does that mean?" Hailee questioned.

"he want be a father to you, he wants to marry you off.. he wants you to carry on the 'riddle' name."

"i'm already married, I have a family I am not a 'riddle I am a 'Malfoy." she exclaimed, she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"then we fight." I spoke, they both looked at me confused.

"I am not letting that snake looking asshole take my wife, I don't care if he dumped his sperm into Scarlett and Hailee popped out. I don't have any respect for the man, I am not letting him near Hailee not just because she's my wife.. but because she's the mother of my children."

"he is not going anywhere near the kids, I don't care if I die. i've already experienced loosing a child, but loosing a child that I saw grow up, learning new skills, knows how to used their heart. will hurt even more, I am not afraid to admit that." Hailee wiped the tears that shed from her eyes.

"this is a lot to take in and i'm sorry for coming here, but I needed to tell Hailee." aunt Bella stood up and made her way to the door.

"i'm going to the manor, I'll make sure Lucius and narcissi take care of your children as well as snow and the twins." she said before aperating away.


"I don"t know.."


sorry guys, I've been thinking about doing this in.

also sorry it's so late..

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