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"Hmm..." I moaned as I rubbed myself, Draco was looking down at me while I pleasured myself.



"Oh fucks sake.." I muttered and put my clothes back on, I opened my bedroom door.

Delilah was standing there crying, I picked her up and hugged her. "What's wrong?" I asked and sat on my bed.

"I had bad dream" she cried and whaled in my arms, I kissed her forehead and rocked her.

"I want daddy.."

"Ok, you can go to daddy." I told her and gave her another kiss as Draco held her in his arms.

My phone pinged, I pick it up it was an email confirming my next runway with Victoria's Secret. "Oh, I have a runway in two weeks. You gonna come?"

"Of course, I went to every single on of them." Draco said rocking Delilah.

"You did?" I was stunned, how did he know when I had fashion shows?

"Yeah, my favourite was the summer Versace show."

"Well, this one will be my first Victoria's Secret show.." I said and opened my laptop, I went onto the 'MST' employee website looking at the the clients I have.

"Shit.." I muttered and ran a hand through my wet hair.

"What's wrong?"

"I have six clients tomorrow, so I have to go in.."

Draco looked up at me and mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh umm, perhaps we could start doing couples again?" He suggested.

"Draco, we haven't even shared intermit moments together in a long time. So.. I don't think so." I chuckled, of course I thought we could do couples together. But I think it would be hard for us to work together again, and would get a rise out of me with Draco talking about all of these things.

"Hailee, we've shared thousands of intermit moments together.."

"I just don't think it's a good idea." I lied, obviously.

"Fine, I'll stay here with the kids."

"Thank you." Logging into Dior I went to the kids section and picked out some new clothes for the kids, always the nicest stuff for my babies.

Without realising I started to feel my breasts, making sure I wouldn't leak overnight. Draco looked at me with a confused expression, "what?" I asked.

"N-nothing.." he muttered and placed Delilah down on the pillows, she was now deep asleep. Having her dad here is really helping her, it pained me always listening to her rambling on about her dad. I just didn't know she remembered him so well.

Delilah moved to rest on my stomach while soundly asleep, I ran my hand over her head repeatedly as she slept. I got myself some new makeup and then proceeded to check out.

Delivery expected to arrive by august 24th.

Tomorrow, nice.

Draco walked into the bathroom, I heard the shower turn on. Distracting myself from my thoughts, I closed the laptop and turned on the tv. I turned on greys and opened my secret snack drawer.

I pulled out Doritos and spicy salsa from the mini fridge, before I started to eat I carried Delilah to her room. I kissed her forehead and tucked her in and walked back to my room.

Draco seemed to still be in the shower, I flopped on the bed and opened my snack. I was sat up in bed, I re opened my laptop and was scrolling through my socials.

I heard the shower turn off, Draco walked out with a towel low on his waist, his body and hair were dripping in hot steamy water.

I looked at his chest and noticed more scars than his old ones, "what happened?" I asked referring to his chest.

"Oh, just some battle scars. I'm alright, is there still clothes of mine in the wardrobe?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything's where it used to be." I nodded, Draco walked into the wardrobe. I heard some shuffling and something fall, I got up and walked into the word robe.

"Hey are you- wow." He was naked, completely naked.

"Oh, yeah something just fell over- what's wrong?" He asked, I was looking up away from him.. trying to avoid all that.

"Umm, nothing I just uh. Put some pants on, please."

"I don't think you've ever asked that, but ok.." he muttered, "you can look at your husband, who you've apparently never seen naked now."

"Don't be cocky." I said, looking at him now.

"I just saw you completely naked, rubbing yourself twenty minutes ago. Why can't you see me naked?"

"Cause, I'll give in." I admitted, Draco chuckled and walked towards me. He cupped my face and kissed me, I tried to back away.

I kissed him back and wrapped my hands around his neck, "oh my god.. I love you." I said into the heated kiss.

"Jump." I obliged, he caught me his hands resting on my ass. My legs were wrapped around his waist, Draco walked us into the bedroom.

He closed the door with his foot and brought us to the bed, he dropped me on the bed. He started to kiss down my neck, I whispered as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Draco..stop." He looked at me, he was hovering over me.

"What's wrong?"

"I Uhm, I'm not sure I'm ready.."

"Oh, ok.. do you wanna cuddle or something?" Draco got off me and laid next to me, on his side.

"Yeah, but Uhm. Can you cuddle how we used to?" I asked him, his eyebrows narrowed and then he chuckled.


"Mhm." I smiled and slipped off my night gown, Draco took off his sweats. I laid on his chest, out legs intwined together as we watched TV.

He was rubbing my back soothing me, I looked up at him and pulled us into a kiss. Draco pulled at my waist I straddle him and place my hands on his chest, his tongue entered my mouth fighting for dominance.

"Can I sit on your face?" I asked flushed out, he didn't say anything but pulled me forward to hover over his lips. I exhaled as he started to lick me out, my hips bucked as he flicked my clit with his tongue.

I moaned, his cold hands were gripping my ass cheeks he would slap them every other second or grip them tightly. "Dray.." I dragged out with a moan.

I rocked my hips against him, the amount of pleasure I was feeling felt nostalgic almost. I haven't felt this much pleasure in so long, I wasn't gonna last long.

Draco slowly kitty licked my wet cunt with his warm tongue, he spat out my juices to only spit them back out again and slurp me up. He moved one of his hands to my pussy, he slipped two fingers into me.

I gasped and tightened my grip on his platinum hair, "Draco.. I'm cumming!" I yelled with a moan.

My hips bucked repeatedly, I felt myself squirt into his mouth. I got up and moved down to his straddle his chest, "good girl.." he said leaning up to peck my lips.

I slumped down on his chest and yawned.

"You're amazing.."


Are they back together? Or is this just pleasure??

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now