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"Delilah, stay still." I said as I tried to put her hair into a bun, she had ballet in thirty minutes and wasn't even dressed yet. Draco was too busy playing dress up with her, so now we're running late.

"Hailee, relax. she has plenty of time to get ready." Draco  said walking in with a naked scorpius .

"Draco , why is your son naked?"

"he ran off mid way through dressing him, I just caught him." he replied, while walking back upstairs.

the doorbell rang, Delilah quickly got up and ran to the foyer. "grandma!" she yelled.

I sighed, getting up and walking to the door "Delilah, get back here." I groaned.

"you look tired, have a late night?" Narcissi asked as she hugged me.

"you could say that." I softly smiled.

"nice hickey, by the way." she whispered, I covered my neck and glanced at her while walking away.

"Delilah, come on I need to finish your hair." I stumbled back on the couch, getting the hair brush ready.

"no! I want grandma to do it." she crossed her arms and pouted.

"fine, i'll do it." mum said as she took the hair things off me and sitting down on the couch. Delilah sat on her lap and stayed still, traitor.

"Hailee where are those old suits? oh, hi mum."  Draco said as he came into the room, he was holding hands with a now dressed scorpius.

"hello, my boy." cissy kissed his cheek, Draco swooped up scorpius and sat on the couch next to me.

"mumma." scorpius made grabby hands towards me, I picked him up and cuddled him.

"I love you so much, my scorpy boy." I kissed his all around his face, he giggled and waved his hands around.

"I threw those suits out like a year ago.." I hesitantly told him, he smiled and shook his head. I started to laugh, scorpius giggled as well.

mum finished with Delilah's hair and went up to get her into her ballet uniform, Draco sighed and rested his head on my shoulder.

"what's wrong?" I asked him.

"i'm tired.. you kept me up all night." he said, I was offended, he wanted to keep going.. I just wasn't tired so I did too.

"oh I did? ok, tell your lies."

"i'm not lying, 'oh let me suck it' and 'let me ride you'." he exaggerated, I covered scorpius' ears to shield him from the weirdness.

"shh, scorpius is right here"

"he doesn't understand.." Draco chuckled.

"oh yeah, because Delilah 'doesn't know' about the 'stick that vibrates." I clarified, he paused and sighed.

"fine." he huffed, "so, I had a call with one of my workers. they told me we don't have to move anymore, apparently that contract was divorced from the mafia years ago." Draco told me while stroking my hair.

"you lying?" I asked him, looking him straight in the eye.

"of course not. dad had told me about it, so I thought we would have too." I leaned over and pecked his cheek, he smiled and took a sip from my tea.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now