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"Draco.." I muttered, he was sitting on our bed with his head hung low. "please, talk to me."

he didn't say a word, I opened his bed side draw and took out his meds for the day. I conjured a glass of water and went back over to him.

"open." I said, he looked up and opened his mouth. I popped them into his mouth, he swallowed the pills then took a drink of water.

he looked at me, "I haven't taken the all week." he told me.

"I noticed, if you want to get better you need to take them Draco." I rubbed his leg, I pecked his lips.

Draco put his lips back on mine and pulled me closer, I moaned into his mouth and straddled his lap.

he pulled away for a second and moved my hair way from my face, "you're so amazing." he said holding my thighs.

"c'mon we have together ready for dinner." I said and pulled him up with me.

he stood in front of me with a smirk on his face, "you always know how to lighten my mood."

"well, it would be terrible of me if I didn't. go get yourself dressed." he walked away into the bathroom while I went to go get the toddlers dressed.

I walked downstairs and saw the kids playing with cleo and daisy, "scorp, lilah. c'mon we need get ready for dinner." I held scorpius in my arm and Delilah holding my hand as we walked up stairs into their shared bathroom.

I was in the middle of trying to stop Delilah from wearing her tutu when Draco walked in, "daddy, mummies being mean." Delilah folded her arms over her chest.

"I am not, you are not wearing your tutu to dinner. you can wear a pretty dress if you like." I said holding up a new dress that had been sent as a gift from Chanel.

"no, I wanna wear my big jeans, a shirt and my Jordan shoes." she said finally getting off wearing the tutu.

"ok, Draco can you please get scorpius dressed." I said looking over at scorp and seeing him standing next to me while holding my arm.

he nodded his head and picked up the little man walking into his bedroom. I help Delilah get dressed, she chose to wear her pink Jordan 1s.

I sat her up on the counter and did her hair, I put it into the loose space buns and curled the pieces that were hanging out.

"ooh, mumma can you do the thing were you get ready with your wand?" I nodded my head and stepped back, I closed my eyes thinking of an outfit and waved my wand.

suddenly I was dressed in black leather pants and a black corset sheer top, "ok is everyone ready?" I asked going into scorpius' room.

"yeah, just need to put his shoes on." Draco replied while bending down and finishing tying his son's laces.

"ok, mumma lets go.." scorpius said and held my hand, Draco and I slipped the Vials down the kids throat to apparate safely.

after a split second we landed just outside the three broomsticks, "I never like that." Delilah coughed.

Draco and I chuckled and walked inside holding the kids hands, we walked inside, the kids have never been here before and I haven't since my last year at school. we walked inside, as soon as we did it all went quiet.

we looked around and saw the professors, kids from school and harry, Ron, Hermione and ginny.

"blimey, it's Draco and Hailee. no one from the wizarding world has seen them in years." we heard Hermione whisper.

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