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Tom Riddle was dead.

Draco had killed him, himself. With his bare hands.

A few nights ago Tom had tracked us down and come into our apartment during the night. It just so happened that Draco was in the kitchen grabbing a drink of water when he walked in, Draco grabbed the biggest knife in the kitchen and stabbed him right in the chest.

His actions were fucking hot but it was a bitch to clean up a dead body.

Oh, you know what else Draco did? Cut his fucking head off.

Things were finally back to normal now, but Draco was spending more time with the mafia. I know he's now the boss, but he didn't associate with it for so long.

Currently I was in the car with Draco, visiting the mafia's 'headquarters', AKA the house Draco lived in for two years.

It was only a forty five minute drive, but the house was in the middle of a forest. Surrounded by trees and large gates.

When we got to the front gate, nearly 20 guards were standing there with assault rifles. I gulp and Draco sighs as he rolls down the window.

"Let me the fuck in." He demands, the gates suddenly open and Draco drives the Mercedes Benz up a long driveway.

When we approach the house I was stunned, this was my dream house when I was like 16.

Dark and modern, surrounded by a dark green forest, many windows and it was just clean.

No blood stains, no body bags. Just black cars and men in lavish suits, tall trees, guns and weapons being loaded off of trucks and many people starring starting a me as Draco parks the car.

Draco gets out first and walks to my side, he open the door for me and I step out.

There were around 15 men out here and they were all starring at me, Draco closed the door and holds my waist as we walk to the front door.

A worker opens it for him and we walk in, the inside was even more incredible.

A huge stair case, crystal chandeliers, conversation pits, expensive furniture and just pure gold.

I was wearing a black dress, it was tight and hugged my body. I honestly tried my best to fit in with the 'theme'.

Draco leads down the stairs, he opens a set of double doors and I was met with a spacious living quarters.

"This, is where I lived for two years.." he tells me and takes a look around for himself.

It wasn't like the rest of the house, it was actually designed like our home.

Cosy, bright, warm and inviting. There were pictures of me and Delilah, a sonogram of Scorpius and many pictures of Draco and I.

"It's beautiful.." I say and walk around, observing everything.

"I wanted to show you this.. I didn't want it to just be an imagination for you. I wanted to feel as close to home as I could, I would sit at that window seal and look out at London. Knowing you were there somewhere.." he chuckles softly and puts his head down.

I walk over to him and lift his head up, "I knew you were looking out for me.." I say and he looks down at me.

"I was." He smiles, I smile back.

Suddenly the doors were forced open by a brunette man, he was wearing casual clothing and looked a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry sir, didn't know you had a girl over." The man says.

"She's not just a girl, she's my wife you knucklehead." Draco sighs.

The man straightens himself up, "well, hello Mrs Malfoy. Draco has told me so much about you."

"Hello to you too, what's your name?" I ask him.

"Riley, I'm Draco assistant." He explains.

"Oh, right. Well it's a pleasure to meet you." I smile softly and shake his hand.

Riley smiles back and begins to leave, before Draco stops him.

"Riley. Before you go, would you be able to bring down two plates of whatever the chef made for lunch. Also two glasses and a bottle of wine, please." Draco asks, Riley nods and goes back up the stairs.

While Riley was getting our lunch, Draco takes a seat on the sofa and brings me down with him.

"I really like all the photos.." I say and cuddle closer to him, he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I didn't want you to think I lived in a dark room with nothing but guns and dead bodies." he chuckles, I smile and take my heels off getting comfortable.

Riley brings our food down and we have a nice quiet lunch, but it was disturbed near the end by an emergency meeting.

so, now Draco and I were sitting at the end of a very long table with all his workers sitting on the sides.

it felt like I was the leader of a death eater meeting.

"what is the reason for this meeting?" Draco says coldly.

one of his workers, which I'm not even going to attempt to remember his name. speaks up, "well, after you killed the guy that was murdering all the young kids, the police has been in search for why he has gone missing."

Draco breathes in an exhales, "let them. they'll file a missing person report, once they see he's gone. maybe London can relax."

I turn to Draco, "why don't you turn yourself in? you'll be known as a hero." I suggest.

everyone looks at me and chuckles, "your wife's a bit dumb, Malfoy." a worker says.

Draco stares at the worker coldly, "the fuck did you just call my wife?"

"n-nothing.." the worker cowards down.

"my wife was just making a suggestion, if anyone here says anything else about her I will have no problem killing you with my own hands. just like I did to Tom Riddle." everyone nods at Draco's statement.

maybe it was a dumb suggestion..

"my love, turning myself in is risky. you never know what the police are gonna do, they could rename me as a hero or as a murderer." Draco explains and I nod.

"but it was a good suggestion." he smiles at me and kisses me.

I sigh and just day dream as the rest of the meeting goes on.

"my love?" I hear Draco says and I turn to him and hum.

"what do you think?" he asks.

"about what?" I say, and he chuckles softly.

"about letting the police find his head." Draco says coldly.

"its scary how you said that so casually, but good idea." Draco nods and chuckles again.

"its settled, Riley choose people at random to go and dump his head somewhere. and don't be dumb you lot, you don't want to get caught." Draco gets up, taking my hand as we walk back downstairs.




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