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I woke up naturally this morning.

I didn't get woken up by a crying baby, or a hungry toddler, or a pet.

Except, I woke up to the smell of pancakes and fresh maple syrup.

Draco slept in the guest room last night, it was weird. Him being here and us not cuddling to sleep.

I got out of bed, put on my silk robe and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw the kids sitting at the island eating happily and Draco making another plate of pancakes.

"Ah, good morning. I made you breakfast." Draco said and told me to sit down, by placing a plate in front of the empty seat.

I took the seat next to Delilah, I picked up my knife and fork and cut through the thin stack. I took a bit of the pancake and hummed, "this is good, Draco."

"Well, thank you. You get bored when all you're doing is bossing around stupid latinos, so, I cooked and cooked. Until there was no food left in the kitchen." He said sitting down next to me with his own plate.

"Are you and daddy getting back together?" Delilah turned to me drinking milk in her sippy cup, I hesitated to answer.

"I don't know yet, Bunny.." I don't want to lie to her, then she'll expect something that most likely won't happen her whole life.

"We're figuring things out, but we're both here." Draco smiled at her.

Scorpius was drinking a bottle of breast milk, "you remember how to de frost breast milk?" I asked turning to Draco.

"It's something a parent shouldn't forget." He shrugged and continued to eat his rather delicious meal.

We finished our breakfast, Draco helped me clean up while the kids went to play in there toy room.

"Ok, we need some rules." I sighed a dried my hands off.

"Ok, shoot."

"No talking to the kids about us getting back together, no sex, no kissing, we can hug and.. cuddle on the couch on movie night with the kids. But, if you prove yourself you can sleep in the bed in the next couple of days."

"Seems simple enough, except I don't think you can handle the no sex or kissing.." he smirked whispering in my ear.

"That doesn't work anymore.." I trailed off and tuned to face him, Draco was leant on the counter.

"So, I can sleep in the bed.. but no sex?" He asked.

"Yes, you know what I'll let you watch me masturbate."

"I knew you were still dirty."

"I never stopped being dirty, I just don't want you touching no man's land."

"No man's land?" He laughed.

"Yes, it hasn't been touched other than doctors and me for the last two years." I gloated and popped a grape into my mouth.

"Yeah? Well I bet you've been craving for me."

"Hmm, not really. I got over that after a very long and not easy pregnancy, you know I almost died after I gave birth? Yeah, tragic.. I mean I couldn't be here right now, and you wouldn't even know." Draco blinked and then stopped blinking for a solid thirty seconds.

"How did you 'almost' die then?" He asked taking a bite from a green apple.

"I had a panick attack mid way through my delivery, I was in critical condition because my brain wasn't functioning properly. They call it 'emotional distress' I was way to emotional to be giving birth if that even makes sense, because every woman is fucking emotional giving birth."

"Oh, right.." he drifted off, he was quiet for a few moments, before we both ended up sitting on the window seat together. Which I might add wasn't made for two people.

"And Scorpius was born with my placenta attached to his belly button, no umbilical cord. So he had an outy belly button for a while, before I got a plastic surgeon to fix it." I said and giggled remembering his belly button.

"Belly buttons are weird." Draco noted, "it's like a hole in the middle of your stomach.. looks like a pit hole."

Draco crossed his arms after throwing away the apple core, which we shared without even realising.

"So, when will I get to watch you.. masturbate?" He whispered with a smirk plastered on his face, of course this is his question right now.

We were just talking about our sons belly button, now he wants to know when I masturbate? I knew I married a psycho.

"You freak. I don't know, when I'm horny?" I chuckled, I looked at the time. The kids were being oddly quiet for this time of the day.

"They're quiet.." I added and looked up to the ceiling.

"That's because they're sneaking in the fridge." Draco cocked his head to the kitchen.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and went to the fridge, Delilah had half a strawberry in her mouth and Scorpius just sat there being quiet. "What have I said about asking for food? You just had pancakes." I closed the fridge door with a sigh.

"Daddy said we could have fruit whenever we wanted?" She said with confused look on her face, I turned to Draco with an annoyed expression written on my face.

All the fucker did was laugh.


Scorpius was drifted to sleep in my arms before I put him down to sleep for the night, Delilah was with Draco. He was tucking her into bed, while I got got myself ready for bed,

Can't even remember the last time I did that,

I laid into bed and moaned in relief, I had time to shave both legs, my arms, arm pits and even my vagina. Do my skincare, moisturise and even pick out clean clothes.

Draco walked in and sat on the edge of the bed, "you look cute." He said rubbing my back.

"Mm, that feels good.." I groaned and arched my back up, Draco rubbed at a specific spot that made me moan with comfort.

He moved to straddled over the back of my thighs and put his whole weight into the massage, "can I lift up your nighty?" He asked and I nodded humming.

His hands felt cold, as his hand rubbed my bare back. I will admit I was wearing some revealing underwear, but he can control himself.



"I love you."

"I love you." He leant down and kissed my collarbone, I flipped myself over and slipped off my whole nighty.

My chest was bare, I leant down and took off my panties.


"Draco." I moaned as I leant my hand down my body and circled my clit, "Hmm, no touching." I giggled and continued to pleasure myself.

My legs were spread wide while my hand worked on my pussy, I dragged two fingers down and penetrated myself, I rolled my eyes while rubbing against my spot.

"You're a bad girl.."


Smut next chapterrrr

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