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I was getting ready for my runway walk, I was representing 'Victorias secret' and if I messed up my modelling career could be over.

Draco was out in the audience while the kids where with Blaise's mum, since Luna gave birth last night.

I was currently getting ready with my makeup artist, he's honestly the best, we have so much fun catching up. once my makeup was done I thanked him and a few hired girls started on my hair. the host of the show just wanted it to be pin straight, so they got to work with the flat iron.

I was on my phone when Draco FaceTimed me, I was in my robe with my shoulders exposed because I was getting ready. I answered the call and set my phone on the vanity, "sorry it might be little loud." I told him.

"its alright, I just wanted to tell you that Karl Lagerfeld is here." Draco told me, my mouth hung open.

"the karl Lagerfeld is here?" I asked him, he nodded his head smiling.

"fuck, now I have to be so much better." I said, Draco chuckled.

"you're going to be amazing, love. don't stress." he replied, they were starting to line the girls up.

"I better go the shows about to start." I said picking up my phone.

"ok, i'll be cheering you on." he winked and hung up the call.

I was all ready and began to get changed into my first outfit, it was a two piece lingerie and it was in black, and of course some dark angle wings. they positioned me to the front of the line since I was opening this show and ending it.

the music began to play, and the curtains opened revealing me, I walked out to the beat of the music, making sure to sway my hips but not too much. I felt many eyes staring at me and hundreds of flashing lights shining in my eyes, but i'm used to that now.

I made my way to the front of the runway and posed, blew a kiss and went back down the other way. I did more walks featuring a lot of lovely lingerie pieces and also modelling some rather kinky sets of this season.

once it was up to the finally I was wearing the new limited edition 'Victorias secret' lace sheer night gown it went to my mid thigh and had little panties underneath it. I walked out with the designer and everyone stood up clapping. I smiled and clapped for them as well.


the show was over and I felt exhausted, Draco had come back stage. I hurried over to him in my robe and slippers, hugging him tightly. "you looked amazing." he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"thank you." I smiled and shortly kissed him.

I quickly excused myself to get changed into my leggings and cropped jumper, I walked back out to see one of the female models talking to Draco in a rather 'flirtatious' way.

I stood next to Draco, "oh Hailee, you were wonderful." she said looking at me.

"thank you, my husband thinks so as well." I smiled and kissed Draco on the cheek.

"oh, this is your husband?" she asked looking down at the rings on our fingers.

"yep, for three years actually." I told her, seriously did she not know he was my husband?

I felt Draco pull my waist to him and keep his arm there, "we better get going, we have to pick up the kids." Draco said looking at me.

"oh yes, we better head off." I replied starting to walk away from the woman.

we made our way to the car, "what a dumb bitch, how did she not know who you were?" I said sipping at my iced water.

"she was fucking annoying, glad you saved me." he chuckled as he sped off trying to get back to the apartment quickly.


Draco and I were laying in bed, naked, making out and our hands roaming each others bodies.

I could feel his hard erection pocking my thigh as I straddled him, still kissing. I moaned into his mouth as he started to rub my clit in circles, "fuck me, Draco." I whispered into his ear.

he spun me around so I was on my back, we began kissing again as he lined up with my sex. he slid in and began to move inside of me, we both moaned and held our bodies close to one another's.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he moved faster, "oh fuck, faster!" I exclaimed. he started to pound into me, going faster.

"all fours." Draco told me, pulling out.

I got on my hands and knees, facing the mirror behind the bed frame. I watched as Draco thrusted back into me going fast, I moaned as we made eye contact in the mirror.

Draco pulled my hair and bought me to his chest, he groaned and messaged my boobs with his free hand. "your so fucking beautiful" he whimpered and kissed my neck.

the feeling was euphoric, the fucking, the kissing, the touching, everything was perfect. I slid my hand down and began to rub my clit, "fucking needy." Draco said and pushed my hand away as I whimpered.

"only I touch you." he said and pushed my body down so my back was arched, he was thrusting inside of me at an unbelievable pace.

I moaned as he slapped my ass, I knew he created a mark in the same spot of his branding on my ass.

"oh fuck, i'm gonna cum.." I whimpered as he moved inside me, he hit my g-spot and I started moaning more.

I squealed and soaked his cock, he pulled out of me and came on my pussy. we breathed heavily, I got up and waddled to the toilet. I did my business and came back, seeing Draco lying in bed.

"its embarrassing to admit but my legs are shaking." Draco said, I laughed.

"oh my.." I giggled and laid down.

"the things you do to me." he said, turning to face me.

we laid in bed naked together, looking into each others eye's while we listen to the loud chatter of Paris. it wasn't an awkward silence, it was rather pleasant. Draco would often kiss my nose, lips, forehead or cheek. I played with his hair in silence while his eyes were stuck on me.

"it's Delilah's birthday next week." I said as I stopped playing with Draco's hair.

"she grew up too fast." he muttered.

too fast...

~ how all 😝

sorry its late and short, but I plan on having short and more chapters than less and longer like the last book, so I'll try add more detail as I write more. x

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