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Delilah's party started about two hours ago, and let's just say there are about thirty toddlers running around our yard. I had Vivienne Westwood custom make a dress for Delilah, it was on her for about forty-five minutes before I had to take her upstairs to change because she started playing in the garden.

Good thing it wasn't destroyed, it was bloody expensive.

Draco, Blaise, luna and I were sitting outside on some couches. We were chatting but mostly looking over the kids, a lot of the kids are from Delilah's ballet school. Many young girls were hanging around scorpius, probably because he's one of three boys at this party. Scorpius, Ben and Zent were the only boys, meaning they all had a group of girls surrounding them.

"So, Delilah told Zent, which Zent told me.. that apparently you were being a cowgirl the other night Hailee?" Blaise chuckled as he hung an arm around Luna.

I practically face palmed, "we were drunk.." I told them with a shake of my head.

"Doesn't mean I still can't tease you." he laughed.

"Like you aren't loud mate" Draco snorted.

"What do you mean? I remember silencing spells, unlike some people."

"Again we were drunk, I guess we couldn't wait.." I shrugged my shoulders and turned my head to smile at Draco, he pulled me toward him by my waist so my back was flesh against his chest.

"ok, ok.. don't do it now there's kids around" Blaise laughed, luna slapped his chest.

"mumma!" scorpius yelled, running towards me. many girls following him.

"oh my boy, come here!" I exclaim laughing.

he jumped up onto my lap and hugs me tightly, covering his face. "what's wrong scorpy?" I ask.

"they won't leave me alone.." he muttered, I rubbed his head while he stayed in my arms for a while.

soon, all the girls went away and began to play little activities. scorpius lifted his head and sat on my lap, "mumma?" he asked me.

"yes, my love?" I replied.

"will girls always chase me?" he asked, Draco covered his mouth trying not to laugh.

"well.. I don't know how to answer that Scorp. you do look a lot like your daddy, so I guess they will." I said smiling.

he looked at Draco with a shocked look, "daddy? did girls always chase you?"

Draco laughed, "many girls did try to get my attention, but only one could. and guess what?" Draco replied.

"what?" scorpius replied looking him with wide eyes.

"that girl is your mummy." he whispered, scorpius gasped.

"so.. i'll have a pretty girl when I'm older?" my heart literally melted, when Scorpius said that.

"choose wisely, my boy." Draco smiled.

"how did you chose mumma?" he asked.

"when I saw her, I just knew."

scorpius looked around the party, scouting and taking in all the girls. "mmm, I can't see any." he said shaking his head. I put my head back and chuckled.

"you'll find them one day my love." I said stroking his soft hair, he leaned on my chest hugging my waist.

I heard scorpius mutter, 'milk'. "you can't have it anymore." I told him.

he looked up at me, "why?" he whined.

"because your big enough, you don't need it anymore." its been very hard getting him off breast feeding, but recently my breast milk dried up and its been very emotional. breastfeeding your child just connects you to them.

Draco turned around shortly then turned back around. "I think Delilah's boyfriend just showed up." he chuckled and nodded his head toward to fountain.

I looked over and saw her holding hands with Jake from her ballet school, we decided to take Delilah to a ballet school where there are no muggles, only witches and wizards. so no one here are muggles.

I noticed scorpius lift his head and look over my shoulder, he had a scowl on his face.

"whose sissy with?" he asked looking at me.

"she's with her friend Jake from ballet." I explain to him, which made his face scrunch even more.

"and why is she holding his hand?" he asked again, crossing his hands over his chest.

"because they like eachother, let her spend time with him." I said to him, he groaned and looked at me.

"but she's not old enough to be holding hands with boys." he said and looked back over at them, his eye twitching.

Draco chuckled and scooped him up, "wanna come drag her away from him with me?" Draco asked.

"yes!" he exclaimed, I shook my head and sighed.

"Draco isn't got let her have a boyfriend until she eighty." Blaise chuckled, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"He's already gotten Scorpius on the protective brother roll." I told him, Luna looked at Blaise and raised her eyebrows?

"He's already taught sent hot to FIGHT" she exclaimed, I covered my mouth and gasped.

"He's two!" I squealed, Blaise chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what Luna's talking about" he said looking away, Luna looked at me and rolled her eyes.

I turned back around to see what Draco and his son were doing.

They were standing there with both of their arms crossed over their chests. I sighed and got up, walking towards them.

"Are they bothering you, Jake?" I asked kneeling down to the three year old.

He slowly shook his head, "no. My mummy told me I have to meet the girl I like's father and ask if I can go out with her." He kindly replied while holding Delilah's hand.

I Awed at him, "you are gentlemen, I'll tell you what. You already have my blessing to go out with my Delilah, but you need to get lost Draco as well." I giggle and rub his cheek.

Delilah looked at me and back at Scorpius, "mummy? Can you please take Scorpius, giving Jake looks" she whispered in my ear.

I nodded and stood back up, I lifted up Scorpius and meant I to Draco's ear. "Don't be an ass, he's only three"

"We were only three and you got pregnant at nineteen." He scoffed.

"And whose fault was that? Ours, not Delilah's."  I groaned and walked away after kissing his cheek.

I walked back over to Blaise and Luna,with Scorpius still on my hip "so anyone want cake?"


How y'all doin'?

This was just a filler chapter, the real shite should start soon 🫣🫨

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