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"Delilah, c'mon you're gonna be late!" I yell as I walk to her room, Delilah was prancing around her room instead of putting on her shoes.

It was Delilah's first official day of Hogwarts junior academy.

I pick her up and sit her on her bed, she groans as I put her shoes on and pick her up.

"We can't be late." I say to her as we walk down the stairs, mum was minding Scorpius while Draco and I go for her introduction.

Draco was waiting at the front door with a small vial in his hand, it contained a liquid so Delilah could aparate safely.

"Ready?" He asks, I nod and sigh as I take the vial from his hand and get Delilah to drink it. She squirms but drinks it.

I put her down and we all hold hands as Draco aparates us to the feint courtyard of Hogwarts.

Delilah gasps and looks around, observing every little detail of the castle. We walk inside the big doors, I feel a wave of nostalgia hit me as we walk to the great hall.

We are met with around 50 other children and parents, as we walk in all eyes go on us. I sigh and try to focus on Delilah's big day.

Mcgonagall steps up on the podium and tells us to sit as the introduction starts.

"Welcome all parents and little ones, we are pleased to see you all here for Hogwarts first ever junior academy. This program will teach your young children all the basic knowledge they will need first 1st year and then some. Professor Longbottom and I will each take a class of 25 students to teach all about herbology, history of magic and astronomy later on in the year. For the first two terms we will be assisting your child's basic reading, writing and number skills." She starts off the introduction.

I hear Delilah huff a little and I try to suppress my chuckle, I look over and see Neville standing beside her. I guess he became a professor.

"Parents, I ask you all to fill out this form regarding any medical concerns if your child has any. Lunch is provided for students and parents, today's lesson will go for 3 hours." Neville finishes of the introduction, the 50 kids and parents get split up in two groups of 25.

Delilah, Draco and I were in McGonagall's group. Draco and I were holding Delilah's hands as we walked through the corridors, McGonagall gestures for us to go into a classroom.

My breath catches in my throat, I try to remain calm. Draco comes over to me and holds my own hand now, giving it a tight squeeze.

We sit at a small desk with Delilah, I focus on McGonagall and Delilah as best as I can. Trying not to think of what happened in this very classroom.

McGonagall comes up to our table and greets us, "It's lovely to see you both." She beams and looks over at Delilah's word tracing worksheet.

"You too." I smile back softly, Draco keeps his hand entwined with mine as we sit here for an hour and a half.

"That's very good, Delilah." She says as Delilah traces her name on the piece of parchment.

Pushing my other thoughts aside and I smile and focus on Delilah's good behaviour, enjoying it for a moment.

McGonagall departs to a different table, I look around the classroom and am stuck starring at one spot.

The spot where he forced himself on me.

"Love." Draco says to me softly, I look at him and hum.

"You're ok.. just breathe." He gently whispers and squeezes my hand reassuringly.

I nod and take a deep breath.

Time passes and Delilah swiftly finishes all her work, tracing her name, writing her name, counting numbers and reciting the alphabet.

Lunch rolls around the we are separated from the regular students of Hogwarts.

Draco and I sit in the courtyard and watch as Delilah walks around the garden and makes a few friends.

"She so adorable.." I whisper as my head lays on Draco's shoulder.

He smiles and places his hand on my thigh, "I think she'll do well here."

I nod and hum, I notice Neville walking around talking to a few parents before making his way over to us.

"Hey, nice to see you two." He says warmly, Draco stands up and shakes his politely. He sits back down and gestures for Neville to as well.

"So you're a professor now?" I ask.

Neville nods, "yeah, after our last year I was a teachers aid and now I'm head of Gryffindor house and teaching herbology."

"That's great, congratulations." I smile.

"Thanks, so how have you too been? Your business?"

"It's all doing well, we're both learning as we go." Draco informs, Neville nods along.

"Glad to hear, but I wanted to talk about Delilah." He says a scratches his head a little.

A look of concern washes over me, "yes? Go on."

"We're putting her in a different class, she seems very advanced than the other children."

My worry floods away and I sigh, "oh, well that's great!" I smile widely.

Draco smiles too and Neville nods, "Minerva and I were looking through her worksheets and were very impressed, does she show signs of doing well academically at home?" Neville asks.

"Mm, not really.. But she did say her first word and walk very early on, if that makes a difference." I chuckle lightly.

"She does read to books to Scorpius." Draco says looking over at me.

"That's true, I almost forgot." I shrug.

"That's impressive, Scorpius is your son?" Neville asks.

I nod, Minerva suddenly brings everyone back inside for the last lesson of the day.

We say goodbye to Neville, we were bought to a different classroom this time. Thank Merlin.

Delilah continues to do her work and I smile warmly at our smart girl.


Hey queens, how y'all doin?

Sorry this chapter is short, but time skip next chapter! 🤗

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