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Delilah's birthday couldn't have gone any better, she absolutely loved all her presents. Mum decided to take the kids tonight, more so to Delilah's constant whining because 'grandma makes the best waffles'.

"before I forget we have the Forbes interview next week." Draco told me, walking into the bathroom as I was washing my face.

I rinsed off my cleanser and began to apply my toner, "Ooh exciting, I'll have to pick out an outfit. it's video'd isn't it?" I ask. Draco nods as he begins to wash his own face.

I finish with my skincare and go lay in bed, I scroll through my phone but can't see anything very interesting. Draco comes to bed and picks me up, putting me on his lap. as I straddle him and smile intrigued.

"does someone want something..?" I smirk and run my hands down his bare chest. he nods and squeezes my waist, he suddenly turns us around as he's on top of me. I squeal and giggle and Draco begins kissing down my neck and chest. he pulls my night up and starts to kiss my thighs, I run my hands thigh his hair and pull on it.

Draco swiftly pulls off his sweatpants and come up kissing me as he thrusts into me, I knock my head back and moan as the feeling initiates a euphoric feeling. I bring my legs up to his hips and scratch his back, Draco was moaning in my ear as he was kissing my jawline.

he thrusts hard and deep, knowing just what my body likes. Draco's head comes up and learns his hands on the headboard, moving faster and harder. I moan loudly and gripped onto on of his shoulders, "good girl.." Draco moans and kisses me.

I wrap my hand in his hair and moan into our kiss as he keep thrusting in an out of my pussy, I feel my peak coming and I know I can't hold on.

"Baby.. I'm gonna cum." I whine and buck my hips, Draco groans and nods his head.

I knock my head back and come, a pure jolt of pleasure erupts inside me and I squeal.

I fell Draco come and slow down his pace, he pulls out and lays down next to me breathy heavily. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead.


One week later:

Draco and I were currently sitting in our living room with an interview of FORBS magazine, I was dressed in an elegant yet formal dress and heels. Draco was wearing a black suit, like always.

"So, how did you two come up with the idea of a sex there's business?" The reporter asks.

"Well it was actually Draco's idea. We were on our honeymoon and we were trying to figure what the next step of our life's will be, and Draco had a smart idea to open up our business." I tell her.

She nods along, jotting down on her notepad. "Did you think there would be critics?"

"Absolutely. The world has never seen an establishment like this before, we knew many would frown upon it. Especially a young newly wedded couple opening up a sex related franchise, many people wouldn't trust it."
Draco added.

The reporter nods once again and writes in her notepad, there was a full camera crew just behind her filming our every move. A little intimidating.

"Mrs Malfoy as I recall, you were pregnant when you opened up the business. Is it ok to ask, how it went opening up a business whilst pregnant?"

"Yeah, so when we got married I was already three months along. When we opened up our building I was around five or six months, being pregnant and not only that incredibly young. Many thought this wasn't going to succeed, but in our opinion the world needed something like this. To open up their problems." I explain to her, While tucking a stand of hair behind my ear.

"Mr, Malfoy. You weren't seen at all in public over the last two years.. why is that?" Here we go. Luckily me and Draco came up with something in case this question was asked.

"For the two years I wasn't seen in public or the media I was home a lot, working on expanding our business. Honestly I didn't really like all the attention we were getting from the public, so I decided I would have a more private life." The reporter nods again.

"Okay now for the finance and money side, how did you come across your first billion dollars?"

"Draco and I were born into wealthy families, my biological family had a lot of money. But I never felt like it was my inheritance, so when I made my own money I felt like I had accomplished a lot. Coming across a billion dollars was huge for us, we never expected to be making that much money from our business. But we are forever grateful to be living such a comfortable life." I smile when I finish talking as I watch the reporter writing down notes.

"Mrs. Malfoy, you alone have an estimated net worth of around 12 Billion dollars.. is that all just from the business?"

"No, most of it is definitely. I am also a runway model for various brands, Dior, Channel, Victoria's Secret, Versace, Fendi. Many more, I do a lot of commercials many sponsorships and a lot more side hustles." She writes down more notes, as she's preparing for the next question I hold Draco's hand.

He looks at me and smiles, brining our hands to his mouth and kissing mine. I smile back and look back at the reporter.

She's seen smiling at us, "you two are an adorable couple, how long have you known each other?"

"Hailee and I have known each other since we were three, it was honestly love at first site. We were best friends our whole childhood, when we became teens. We expressed our feelings for one another." Draco looks at me and smiles after his statement.

I smile back and blush, "that's beautiful, thank you for letting me ask these questions. It was such a pleasure meeting you both, our online copy of this interview should be aired in a month and the magazine in two. Next week will be the photo shoot for the cover, thank you."

We show them the door, once they were all gone I jump up and down in joy as Draco hugs me.

"I feel like my childhood dream has come true!" I exclaim as Draco chuckles.

"So has mine.. having you." He says looking at me as I blush once again.

"Let's go pick up our kids." I say still blushing and walking into the garage.


Hey y'all, don't know when the next part will be out but I thought I do another filler chapter before the drama. 😼

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