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I lay in bed after making my way out of Delilah's bedroom, Draco walked in not long after. he laid next to me and pulled me closer, "so, what's Delilah on about the 'stick that buzzes'?"

I sighed, "she likes to snoop."

"she's not fully asleep, but I gave her that sleeping medicine so she should be out soon." Draco informed as he switched on the tv.

"good, she can't have too much of that stuff. what should we make the kids for breakfast tomorrow?"

"hmm, something easy. yogurt and fruit?"

"done." I took the remote from Draco and turned on 'the wolf of wall street'.

I took off my robe and turned off the lights as I got under the covers, I laid on Draco's chest and tangled our legs together.

"what a dick, he cheats on his wife with like fifty different women." Draco complained.

"good to know you don't like cheaters."

"of course I don't, what's the point of fucking different girls when you can get the same woman for free"

I gasped and slapped his chest.


"it's not about needing to pay for sex, it's about being loyal. you know what, five thousand dollars, for sex right now." I said and straddled his lap, jokingly pretending to grind on him.

Draco reached down into his wallet, pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to me. "should be all there."

I opened my mouth in agape, "Draco I was kidding, but thanks I'll buy a nice dildo." I laughed and stuck the cash in my bra.

"you have enough, spoiler I have a real dick in between my legs."

"huh, I did not know that."

"didn't you? you should sit on it sometime soon." he smirked.

"you smart ass." I leant down and kissed him. 

Draco placed his hands on my waist, I pulled back from his lips and got off his lap. I laid down next to him and counted the cash, five thousand exact.. wow.

"sorry, darl. no sex tonight." I kissed his cheek, he crinkled his nose and whined.

"but I wanted to.." Draco complained, I rested on his chest and patted it.

"aww, do it yourself." I rolled over so I was on my stomach on top of Draco's body.

"hi, love." Draco said as I rested my hands on his chest, my chin resting on top of them.

"hi, Dray." I held his cheeks and admired his face, "you're pretty." I giggled.

Draco leant down and kissed my head, another knock came to the door. I got up and opened the door, Delilah was standing there.. again.

"I can't sleep.. there's a monster in my room.." she said through light tears, I picked her up and bought her to the bed.

"dadda, there's a monster in my room." she whaled and hugged him around the neck.

"aww, dadda will have a look soon, ok?" Draco told her, she nodded into his neck.

"can I sleep here?" she mumbled and looked up from Draco's neck.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now