Chapter 4: Again. To Write or Not to Write?

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The next day, Zara called for a meeting to discuss the situation with Norah and the publicity plans of La Nona. Curious, I turned to Shazlin and asked, "Who do you think sent the pictures to Norah?"

Shazlin shrugged, replying, "I don't know, Marina. It's hard to say."

"It's strange that the sender deliberately chose to send the pictures while Norah was being interviewed," I remarked. "Maybe it's someone who has a grudge against her."

"But who would that be?" I wondered aloud. Before we could continue our conversation, Zara entered the meeting room, causing everyone to fall silent. All eyes were on her.

Zara began, "I can't believe what has happened. It was the worst thing to ever occur to La Nona due to a lack of preparation, support, and strategy."

I couldn't help but question Zara's statement. Did she truly mean what she said, or did she think this meeting was more of a press conference? I silently muttered to myself, "This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't replaced Shazlin with Norah at the last minute."

Everyone in the room listened attentively as Zara spoke. After a few minutes, she shifted her focus to Shazlin.

"To all of you here, I want you to know that she was the one who ruined everything we had planned. Isn't that right, Shazlin?" Zara asked, her tone more of a question than an instruction.

"What are you talking about, Zara?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You were the one who planned it all! You sent those pictures to Norah during the show. You wanted to destroy me and La Nona!" Zara accused, her voice filled with anger.

"Zara, how can you accuse Shazlin? It's impossible for her to do something like that. I tried to defend her," I interjected, defending Shazlin.

"She is capable of anything! Look, everyone!" Zara exclaimed, directing our attention to the screen. She showed us pictures of Shazlin having lunch with Azli and Diya, one by one. Everyone in the room knew about their rivalries. Zara despised them with a passion.

"I wonder what you were discussing with them the day before the show, Shazlin. What was it?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I have nothing to do with this! Those pictures were taken during Mr Harris's birthday celebration, which happened a day before the interview. You were the one who asked me to go there. They came to me and wanted to sit with me. What did you expect me to do? Chase them away?" Shazlin defended herself, frustration was evident in her voice.

"And why should I believe that?" Zara questioned, her doubt clear.

"Do you seriously think I would do something like this?" Shazlin asked, disbelief lacing her words.

"You know the answer yourself, don't you?" Zara replied, her tone dripping with accusation.

"I'm sorry, but I don't get paid enough to guess the answer to such questions!" Shazlin firmly stated. Zara stared intensely at Shazlin, contemplating her response. Unexpectedly, she grabbed the glass of water in front of her and slowly took a sip. I could tell she was searching for the perfect comeback. However, what she did next caught me completely off guard. Zara approached Shazlin and splashed the water from her glass right onto Shazlin's face. The entire meeting room was left in shock by Zara's actions.

"Zara, have you lost your mind?!" Shazlin exclaimed. The situation quickly escalated into a heated argument, with both Zara and Shazlin hurling accusations at each other.

I attempted to calm Shazlin down, but my efforts were in vain. She seemed possessed, her gaze fixated on Zara as if she wanted to devour her. Suddenly, Zara let out a piercing scream as Shazlin yanked her hair. Then, Shazlin slapped her across the face and pinched her cheeks.

"Shazlin! Zara! Stop!" I nearly shouted. In a surprising turn of events, Zara seized the opportunity and punched Shazlin square in the face. Yes, you read that right - she actually punched Shazlin! Realizing that the situation could spiral out of control if I didn't intervene, I immediately called for security guards to break up the fight.


"Hi, Marina! Long time no see. Didn't come here for quite some time, huh?" Kevin, Ally's business partner brought me back to Dr. Love. After a short chat with Kevin, I once again looked at the screen and the keyboard. I repeated it over and over again. I could not believe what I had written. I did not expect that I had written what had happened in detail. I questioned myself again, "should I make it a new post for my blog?"

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