Chapter 14: Sari Ayu Spa

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I'm sorry, Marina. I can't make it tonight to Michelle's spa. Something came up. My uncle from Malacca suddenly showed up.

"It's okay. You didn't expect that. I'm all good. You're better off entertaining him around,"

"But I promised you we would go together. I'm really, really sorry about this, Marina. Anyway, I hope you have fun tonight,"

"I will, thanks! And by the way, please say hello to your uncle, okay?"

"Sure will! Say hi to your friends too."

Beep!!! The sound from the bin lorry took me out of my fantasy. The fantasy of all the sweet things that might had happened had Norman and I had still been together. There I was staring at a mirror reflecting my own image in a bathrobe.

"Girl...having that fantasy again???" Gina teased.

"Yes!" I giggled.

If Norman and I had still been together, I believed this conversation would have happened between me and Gina:

"Who called you, Marina?" Gina would have surely asked.

"Norman," I would have replied shortly.

"Hmmm...let me guess...He couldn't make it, am I right?" Gina would have guessed.

I knew I would have nodded and said, " fiancé let me down again..."

"And why is that this time? What's his reason now?" Gina would have inquired.

"His uncle suddenly came up from Malacca. You wouldn't think he's going to ignore his uncle, right?" I would have justified Norman's actions, as usual.

And yes, I know Gina would have had a lot to say about it. She would be giving me all her thoughts and judgments. "But if you really open your eyes, this is not the first time he's been avoiding stuff like this, especially if it involves Michelle or Ally. I don't know, but it feels like he's not really comfortable with those two," Gina would spill her guts, trying to figure out everything that might have happened.

But deep down, I would deny all the truths coming from her mouth. I knew it was just my imagination, but sometimes imagination reflects reality.

For a moment, I pushed aside my daydreams about Norman and focused on what we had planned for the night. Gina and I were getting ready for the grand opening of Michelle's brand-new spa in Section 13 Shah Alam.

"Hey Marina, how's my dress looking?" Gina asked, twirling around like Cinderella.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes, trying to show enthusiasm. Honestly, though, I wasn't a fan of what she was wearing. Not for tonight, at least, because we had a surprise planned for her.

"Why? Don't you like it? Is it ugly?" Gina seemed a bit defensive.

We could all tell that Gina was decked out in designer clothes from head to toe. People called it "branded stuff." But that night, she looked a little cheap. It was just too much. Let me paint the picture for you:

She wore a midnight blue silk satin gown from Gucci. Her shiny silver high heels were from Roberto Cavalli, the same as mine. We both ended up wearing the same shoes that night. She had hip-hop necklaces as the cherry on top, or so she thought. And to complete the ensemble, she had on knee-length leotards with pink and black stripes. Oh, and let's not forget the Bounty Hunter trucker cap with some furry accessory on top. It was all in her head, mind you.

"I think your dress is okay," I replied, trying to be diplomatic. "But the whole look would be so much better if you got rid of that trucker cap, the weird furry thing, and those Mardi Gras leotards. It's just too much! I mean, we're not going to some Urban Frequenz Party in La Queen, are we?"

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