Chapter 15: A Beautiful Hermes Scarf

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"Hey, excuse me, sir! Your scarf just fell off!" I called out to the man, raising my voice a bit.

'Wow, it's a Hermes scarf,' I thought to myself, barely able to contain my excitement. The man, who was standing about ten feet away, turned around and removed his sunglasses, making his way towards me.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for letting me know! I'm so lucky it was you who found it. Thank you!" He exclaimed, his smile stretching from ear to ear.

'Wait a minute, wasn't he the guy I met at Michelle's spa launch the other day?' I was about to ask him when, in the blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air.

'Ah, forget it... He must have had something really important to attend to,' I reassured myself, trying to brush off my slight frustration.


"You can have your lunch, and then be back here at 2pm all right!" Mary's announcement resonated loud in the office.

"Marina, let's have lunch together?" Asked Rani who was sitting just next to me.

"All right let's go!" I changed the code in the computer system and after that we headed down to the Capital Square for lunch.

"Oh my God!" As we arrived at the lobby, Rani suddenly exclaimed, placing her palm on her forehead in frustration.

"What's wrong?"

"I left my wallet, Marina..."

" must be in that rattan basket on your table, right?"

"I think so. Can you wait for me here please? I'll be right down!" asked Rani running back to the office.

"Okay! I'll be outside all right! Don't be too long!"

As I exited the Multi-Purpose building, something unexpectedly flew into my eye. Instinctively, I shielded my face with my hands, feeling a sharp pain. In an attempt to alleviate the discomfort, I vigorously rubbed my eye, inadvertently causing it to become sore and red.

"Hey, are you crying?" I heard someone was talking to me. But I could barely open my eye to see the owner of the voice.

"No... Something got into my eye," I replied, shaking my head.

"Take this!" he said, handing me a tissue. I accepted it gratefully and gently rubbed it against my eye. With the aid of the tissue and my tears, the pain gradually subsided, and my vision returned. I was astounded to find Harry standing before me.

"Harry! It's you!" I exclaimed, still rubbing my now-red eye.

"Are you alone, Marina?" He asked.

"I am. Oops, no, I'm not! I'm actually waiting for a friend," I stammered, suddenly feeling nervous. I never expected Harry to be right there, talking to me and rescuing me from the ordeal I had just experienced.

"Well then, where is she?" Harry asked eagerly.
"In the office. She left her wallet there."
"I can't believe we'd meet again, Marina."
"Me neither! At first, I thought this thing inside my eye had me hallucinating and seeing things, you know!" I replied, trying to make light of the situation.
"You know what, sometimes our eyes see things that we truly wish to see. Were you wishing to see me?" A mischievous smile adorned Harry's face as he spoke, his voice dripping with mischief.
"Marina!" Rani shouted from a distance.
'Oh God...thank you, Rani! You just saved me! I didn't know how to respond to him if you hadn't shown up!' I said it in my heart.

"Oh, there she is!" I exclaimed, pointing towards Rani. She looked absolutely stunning, like a Bollywood actress gracefully walking towards us in her saree. After introducing them to each other, Harry asked, "Where are you two planning to have lunch?"

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