Chapter 18: Fear

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THERE comes a point in everyone's life when they must embark on something new, diving headfirst into an unfamiliar environment and a fresh chapter. It is undoubtedly a daunting and nerve-wracking experience. Adapting to something so foreign requires an immense amount of energy and time. This was precisely the challenge I was currently facing. At times, I grew weary of it all, questioning the purpose of life itself. Why must I endure these trials? Why must I toil away at work? And what is the significance of spending the fruits of my labour? Where is this path leading me?

However, I was well aware that I held the answers to these questions within the depths of my heart. To be entirely candid, I also understood that if something frightened me without justification, it was merely a sign that I needed to conquer that fear and complete the task at hand.

"What are you scared of, actually?" asked Ally when we were having a breakfast together with Gina at the Dr. Love.

"So many! Dealing with the work tasks...ugh many more!"

"Well, I think that's a normal feeling for anyone who is about to start a new job at a new place. Give it a week or two and you'll blend like this coffee!"

"I don't know...I'm scared if I don't meet their expectation on me."

"Oh you mean you are scared that they would only want the best from you?"

"But why must that scares you? Any employers would of course want their workers to give their best at work."

"I don't know. I'm just so nervous thinking about all this! But all these chickening around however did not stop me from saying "Yes" to them when they offered me the job at Hey.

Chan, the one who called me for the interview the other day called me again to break the happy news to me and I would be required to report for duty on the next Tuesday in a smart casual dressing.


Right on the day and time I was required of, I showed up at the Terry Lee Publication. I woke up as early as five, feeling so fiery to start this new chapter. I even bought a red hot coloured outfit special for the day, to match my blazing excitement. I met with Chan, soon as I got there. After signing down some important documents and briefed about the protocols, the eligibles, salary and such, I was brought to the editorial section of the magazine, or just 'Editorial' as Chan and everybody else would call it. I was introduced to everyone in the Editorial including Rushdee, Teresa and Dee. According to Chan, they were bearing among the most important roles in Hey. They were very talented and their ideas were never taken off for granted by the editor in chief or by the Terry Lee's operational team itself. Then I was brought to meet Carmen and Susan, who interviewed me the other day. They looked quite happy when they saw me coming in there and wished me good luck and that I would be happy working with the magazine.

After all the introductions, I was finally led to my designated work desk, where I would be spending the majority of my time. It was conveniently located near the entrance of the Editorial department, which made me wonder if I would also be unofficially serving as the department's receptionist, in addition to my official role. My desk was a good size and covered with a thick black paper. However, it still had some Emily The Strange stickers on it, which was a bit peculiar. To add to the oddity, there were also a few pictures of black cats scattered about. It was quite eerie! A part of me was curious to learn about the previous mysterious owner of the desk, but I didn't want to come across as nosy or picky on my first day. So, I decided to keep my curiosity to myself and refrain from asking any questions.

"So, Marina, here's your table, your workplace. Do whatever you want with it," said Chan.

"Can I get rid of these stickers, Chan?"

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