Chapter 11: Escapism II

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"So, earlier you mentioned the signal Norman gave you. Can you give me some background on that," Ally asked curiously.

"Oh, yes. Um... how should I start? Ally, let me try to recall that moment and put it into words for you."

"All right, Marina." 

"Well, Norman and I first crossed paths when we were both part of the school's editorial club. We were in our final year, and Norman had just joined the club. I quickly noticed that he would always check me out during our meetings."

"That must have been fun, right?"

"Well... at first, I wasn't really comfortable with all the attention Norman was giving me. It kind of scared me, to be honest."

"Why's that?"

"Trust me, if you had been there and seen the way he stared at me, you would understand why. Let's just say, if I were a burger, he would have devoured me a long time ago."

"Oh my god, you two were such a pair of clowns!" Ally burst into laughter.

"But that was just the beginning. As time went on, I started to enjoy it a little. I mean, it's not every day that someone treats you like a celebrity, right?"

"Well, I can see where you're coming from, Marina."

"Exactly! If you were in my shoes, you would have had fun too. Norman was incredibly popular, and girls were practically fighting for his attention in school."

"Hmm, maybe..." Ally nodded, believing Marina's words. "So, while you were enjoying all those moments, did you eventually develop feelings for him?"

"Yes! Wow you are good! Everything changed when we kept bumping into each other. In the canteen, library, assembly or even the computer lab. Over time, I was the one who always had my eyes on him and I eventually developed this kind of an attraction to him," I explained slowly in embarrassment, digging out all those old stories.

"One day, out of the blue one of our classmate Rezza asked me who has succeeded to attract my attention when at school."

"So you told him the real thing?"

"Yes. I answered, honestly. I told him about Norman."

"Then what happened?"

"Oh my god I did not expect it at all that Rezza would tell Norman about it!"

"Oh no..He told Norman about it? What a jerk!"

"He did! I was really embarrassed back then. Had I known, I swear I would never have told him the real thing."

"What did you do to Rezza?"

"As soon as Rezza admitted it, I was furious. I remember shouting my lungs out to him and we did not talk to each other until we reconciled two weeks before SPM.

I had a feeling that after that embarrassing incident Norman must have told his other friends about it."

"I never ask Norman about that, but I think so."

"He must be so proud when he found out that someone was interested in him, right?"

"Of course! The ego of an alpha male like Norman will rise as high as the Everest!"

"How was Norman and Rezza's real relationship, Marina? I mean, how could have Norman bought what Rezza said just like that?"

"They were good friends. So whatever Rezza said, Norman would believe him. And I'm pretty sure that Rezza broke the news to Norman when Norman was hanging out with other friends. Norman would have, of course, told that to the friends he was hanging out with that time. And those boys must have spread the news like it was hot topic."

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