Chapter 34: Cowboy

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          The failed interview with Diana Sinclair had made us work twice as hard for a replacement slot that was going to be equally interesting and sales-inducing for Hey's new issue.

          In the meantime, I just could not stop thinking about her. It had been a few days since Diana Sinclair had stuck in my brain, eyes and ears. I could not get rid of her! I admit that I was very frustrated with what happened between us. Everything was planned and executed meticulously but it flopped for such a vague reason. Daniel did make a call to her manager for an explanation and all he got was "She should have asked Diana with something more productive and useful rather than those less than thoughtful questions." In other words, he was saying that all those questions I asked her were all dumb.

          "In other words, she had a problem with your questions? Is that it?"

          "Well. It seemed like it, Gina."

          "It's ok. We'll talk more about this when you reach KL, all right? Don't think too much about it. Enjoy your time in Sarawak."

          "At what time should I fetch you in the airport, again?"

          "11 a.m., all right?"

          "Okay! I'll be there right on time!"

          "All right. See you!"

          The next day, with permission from Daniel, I left the office to fetch Gina from the airport as promised. I reached there by taxi half an hour early and so I needed to find someplace to sit whilst waiting for Gina's arrival. Trying to make it a productive waiting, I brought along a file of drafts handed by Daniel to me earlier that morning. I just to check if there was anything up for reconciliation. However, just as I about to read the very first word in it, I heard a familiar voice was calling my name from behind me. I turned around...and froze, as soon as I could see the owner of that voice. In an instant, I could feel my blood being pumped up to my face.

          "Norman?" I said. My eyes did not even blink and my heart skipped a beat. I could not believe he was actually standing in front of me.

           "Yes, I am, Marina. You are not dreaming!" Norman waved his hand softly across my face. That made me laugh at myself a little bit, for being such a dork. He took a few steps ahead and then sat next to me.

          "What are you doing here Marina?"

          "Waiting for a friend"

          "Gina?" he guessed.

          "Yes, Gina," I replied.

          "Where is she flying from?"


          "Ah... I see," Norman nodded.

          Things got a little bit awkward after that and we both seemed lost for words. In my head, I was thinking...' Is this the appropriate response for someone who dumped her fiancée out of the blue?

          "And you Norman, where have you got back from?"


          "Texas? Are you serious?"

          "Yes," he nodded.

          "Wow! What brought you to the land of cowboys?"

          "Haha! Just travelling. Who knows I might bring home a cowgirl," he answered and laughed cheekily. That brought a smile to my face too.

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