Chapter 16: Hero

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One day, Rani, Harry, and I gathered for our usual lunch together. However, this time was a little different. Unlike before, Harry didn't regale us with his classic tales as he always did. Surprisingly, it was Rani who took charge of the storytelling session, recounting the spine-chilling tale of "Hantu Pokok Pisang" (The Ghost of the Banana Trees) that I had once shared with her after watching the Incredible Tales series. I played along, pretending it was my first time hearing the story. Little did I know, this lunchtime deviation would be followed by an unexpected turn of events that very night.

That evening, precisely at 6 pm, I was preparing to conclude my shift. However, it was pouring heavily outside, and the thought of enduring the rain from the Multi-Purpose building to the Masjid Jamek area, where I catch my train home, made me reconsider. Consequently, I made the decision to extend my shift until 8:30 p.m.

Once I had completed my tasks for the day, I ventured downstairs to purchase a loaf of bread from the bakery located in Capital Square.

"Marina..," a guy was approaching me. His voice sounded very familiar. I turned around.

"Awh. Harry. What are you doing here? Still working?" I did not expect it to be seeing him that day.

"Oh I'm leaving for home. But I have to get some bread for someone. What about you?"

' must be for that snob Rita girl,' I talked to myself.

"Same as you," I answered with a little smile.

"So, which one?" asked Harry.

"Which one? Which one what? Sorry, I don't get it," I replied in confusion.

"So which part that makes you the same as me? Are you going home or buying a bread?"

"Oh. Both of them! I just got off from the office and stopped by here to get some bread. Except it's for me, not for someone else," I replied and laughed.

We exited the Capital Square together, having just paid for our bread. I couldn't help but notice how talkative Harry was, as he continued to chatter away since we had met a few minutes ago. Perhaps it was because every time one topic ended, I would introduce a new one, fuelling his desire to keep talking.

Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the air, causing everyone in the vicinity, including Harry and myself, to jump in alarm. We scanned the area, searching for the source of the commotion, and our eyes landed on a woman standing in front of the Multipurpose Building. She appeared panicked and stunned. Without hesitation, Harry and I rushed over to her, joined by concerned passersby.

"Excuse me, Miss, what happened?" Harry inquired with concern.

"Yes, why did you scream?" I asked.

"My bag! He snatched my bag!" The lady exclaimed, pointing towards a man fleeing towards the main road.

Harry immediately noticed the man and without hesitation, sprinted after him. I was taken aback by his swift reaction.

"Harry!" I called out, feeling like Lois Lane trying to catch up with Clark Kent. I was about to join him in the chase, but the lady stopped me, her eyes fixated on my high-heeled shoes. It was clear she was reminding me of my impractical footwear choice. What a shame! So, I abandoned my intention and decided to observe from a distance. Other people who had left the building began to gather around as they realised what was happening.

"Be careful, Harry!" I shouted, my worry for his safety consuming me.

From a distance, I watched as Harry closed in on the snatcher. With a sudden burst of energy, he leaped into the air and delivered a powerful kick to the snatcher's lower back, causing him to collapse. Seizing the opportunity, Harry swiftly retrieved the bag from the criminal's grasp. However, the snatcher quickly regained his footing and sprinted towards the road. Not content with merely recovering the bag, Harry tenaciously pursued the fleeing culprit.

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