Chapter 29: Virus

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'WHEN discussing viruses and contemporary epidemics, HIV/AIDS immediately comes to mind. This is likely because the epidemic has been a prevalent issue since the 1990s. The conspiracy theory suggesting that AIDS was intentionally transmitted from apes in Africa to a specific group of individuals in the 1980s has always intrigued me. However, despite my interest in these matters, modern-day epidemics have never personally impacted me.'

"Goodness, gracious! I could have lost everything!" Exclaimed Daniel, relieved as he successfully recovered all the files that were compromised by the virus. See how a computer virus incident can transport my thoughts to far-off places like Africa, igniting my imagination. Fortunately, I swiftly returned to reality.

Daniel fell silent, his gaze fixed on the blank computer screen. It seemed as though he was struggling to recall something.

Hmm...perhaps he's suddenly remembering Jennifer, I pondered to myself. Ugh! Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer! That woman had been like a virus to me. Just like any other virus that can incapacitate anyone, Jennifer had rendered my mind useless in that moment.

Daniel's eyes shifted towards me. It startled me a bit, but I swiftly feigned interest in the files I held in my hand.

After the incident at the Asia Café, Daniel and I went back to our regular routines as if nothing had happened. We never brought it up or acknowledged it in any way. However, there was something Daniel said during that time that really stuck with me. He mentioned my role at Terry Lee Publication and made me question whether I was hired based on my qualifications or simply because I resembled Jennifer. What did he mean by our similar charisma? His words had a profound impact on me, leaving me feeling like I was only hired for the wrong reasons. It seemed like my presence was constantly overshadowed by Jennifer.

Could it be that all these ups and downs of emotions occurred because I had idealized everything that happened between him and me? Maybe all he ever wanted was a genuine friendship, and I should have heeded Gina's advice from the start. I shouldn't have allowed my emotions to overwhelm me without any confirmation. But alas... it was too late, as I found myself already submerged in the depths of my feelings.

After what felt like a week of intense investigation, I managed to regain my composure and push aside the events involving Daniel, Jennifer, and myself. I thought I had successfully banished her from my thoughts. However, in a matter of moments, her name resurfaced and infected my entire being once again, like a relentless virus. It all started when I accidentally stumbled upon a tweet from a gossip page, with a headline that read, 'Hey, Magazine's Editor Daniel and his former girlfriend are back together?'

My world was completely shaken when I read the headline. I immediately showed the article to my friends Ally and Gina, which included their intimate photos. I shared my deep regret with these two close friends of mine.

"What are you regretting, Marina?" Gina asked, genuinely curious.

I hesitated for a moment before responding. "I thought there was something between me and him."

"Something?" Gina pressed for more information.

I nodded, unable to find the right words to explain.

"Are you referring to a special relationship?" She asked, trying to understand.

I remained silent, knowing deep in my heart that Ally was just waiting for the perfect moment to say, 'I told you so.' That was the last thing I needed to hear in that moment.


"Hey Marina, have you heard anything about Susan?" Asked Daniel, his eyes glued to the screen.

"No, what happened?"

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