Chapter 25: Urban Escape

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"HEY Marina," Gina walked into the living room as soon as she got home from work.
"Hey..." I replied, sounding like I've had better days.
"Hmm... you sound just like when you do intermittent fasting. Are you? Or is something bothering my lovely housemate this time? Spill the beans."
"I have to spend the whole weekend with the Urban Fruits this week."
"Oh! So you're finally going to Kuala Pilah with them? Congratulations, Marina!" Congratulations! Gina burst into laughter.
"There goes my long weekend off! Three whole days! It's so precious!"
"Why don't you just tell them you have other plans this weekend?" Gina suggested an escape plan.
"It's not that easy, Gina. I promised them back in Singapore. I don't even know why I said 'yes' to their plan just like that. I clearly wasn't thinking straight."
"Well, it's going to be okay. I mean, how bad can it be, right? I'm sure you'll have fun. Gina tried to sugarcoat things, but her face couldn't hide the laughter."
"Yeah, so much fun!" I rolled my eyes at her.

During our trip to Singapore, Miss B suggested that the rest of the Urban Fruits and I take a short holiday in her village in Kuala Pilah. Personally, I wasn't too thrilled about the idea. I mean, what's so exciting about rows and rows of rubber trees? But Miss D and Miss R, who rarely experienced that kind of environment, were absolutely thrilled.

After we returned from the Lion City, I was secretly hoping that our busy work schedules would make everyone forget about the Kuala Pilah trip. But one calm, cold morning, Miss B showed up at the office and brought up the idea again. In that moment, I knew that my prayers had been denied.

"That's a good idea, Miss B..." I said to her after she was so excitingly reminding us the idea again-to take us all to her family's country home in Kuala Pilah.

"Now, that's great! We'll depart this Saturday, all right? And it's going to be a long weekend because it's public holiday on Monday. I just can't wait to take all of you to my family's tradition house! The timing could not be more perfect because we are also celebrating my nephew's circumcision ceremony. You know what I meant..."

"Tradition house?" I pondered to myself. Honestly, I was a bit confused when Miss B mentioned it. Was it similar to a mother's house? Or perhaps a place where they stored ancient artefacts, like a museum? I couldn't quite grasp how they planned to celebrate there.

"But don't worry," Miss B reassured me. "Only the closest family members and relatives will be in attendance." She must have noticed the apprehension on my face. A wave of fear washed over me.

To be honest, I wasn't really afraid or worried. I was just puzzled as to why Miss B was so insistent on getting us to join her for a circumcision ceremony at the tradition house. It all seemed a bit strange to me. Maybe she didn't want to be there alone and invited us to keep herself entertained. That's what I assumed.

"Sounds like fun! I can't wait for Saturday!" Exclaimed Miss R, brimming with excitement. Miss D shared the same enthusiasm.

Throughout the day, their conversations revolved around the upcoming weekend. They talked about village life, and country houses, and even the topic of circumcision came up.

"Ugh... It's going to be fun, huh?" I muttered to myself. "Are they out of their minds? I just hope some mischievous monkey or lutung doesn't swoop in and snatch one of them away. After all, they're all 'a bunch of fruits!' "

"I bet there will be a river, right?" asked Miss D.

"Oh, yes! Yes!" Miss B nodded.

"What about a well?" Miss R asked, this time.

"Yes! Yes!" Miss B nodded again.

"I can't wait to feel the refreshing, icy well water cascading over my body in the morning and indulge in a relaxing soak in the river later," exclaimed Miss D, playfully pretending to be a showering princess who had been deprived of water for days.

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