Chapter 39: Tuah

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"WHAT do you really like about Norman, honestly?" Michelle asked while Ally and I were enjoying a foot massage at her spa. I couldn't help but gush about it, sharing every little detail as I was on cloud nine from the massage.

"I like Norman because he has a lot of charisma, he is gentle, he is always calm, always speaks using a low tone of voice, his voice is very deep, his skin is tanned and clean, he is tall, his eyes are charming, his arms and shoulders are naturally gifted, his hair is soft, he is clean, stylish, good at cleaning the house and back then he was somewhat hard to get you know. But I did not have to do anything to score his attention back then. I remember how he took the first step. I mean, so many girls were crazy about him back then and yet he chose me. So, I did feel lucky to know him," Without me realizing it, my voice was quite high-pitched, and some of the staff and guests at the spa could hear it, barely holding back their laughter.

"Wow, look at her eyes sparkle as she talks about Norman," Michelle interrupted, biting her lip.

"What? No, I'm not! I'm just happy to remember all these memories," I replied, trying to defend myself.

"Talking at length but still denying it. Oh, come on Marina!" Ally chimed in, supporting Michelle.

"Um... did I?" I asked the masseuse who was massaging my legs.

"Yes," she said, nodding slowly.

"Oh my! This is embarrassing!" I exclaimed, covering my face with both hands.

"So, who is it now? Eddie or Norman?" Michelle asked bluntly.

"Hmmm... there's no way I can accept Norman back into my life. No way," I shook my head firmly.

"So, you're serious with Eddie now?"


"Another 'hmmm.' Again?" Ally interrupted, clearly unsatisfied with my response.

"Shhh... I have a call coming in!" My phone rang, breaking the silence after almost two hours.

"Marina, I bet you know that Diana Sinclair is coming to Kuala Lumpur again soon," Daniel's voice resonated from the other end.

"Diana Sinclair? Um... hearing that name made me restless. I knew she would definitely come back to KL because some of her previous plans had to be cancelled when she needed to return to the United States immediately for some matters."

"Yes, I knew she was going to come back here, but I have no idea when," I said.

"Rumor has it that she'll be in town next week," added Daniel.

"Next week!? That's amazing news!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. My voice must have given it away.

"Well, someone sounds very excited," Daniel teased.

"Did I make it too obvious?" I asked, and we both burst into laughter on the call.

As soon as Daniel hung up, curiosity consumed me like a raging fire. I was determined to find any new information about Diana. Thank goodness for good old Uncle Google, who always had the answers.

However, my first search didn't lead me to Diana. Instead, I stumbled upon information about her ex-husband, Mirza Adam Sinclair.

'I Never Regret Marriage with Diana - Mirza Adam Sinclair'

Somehow I clicked on the headline and read the content.

When asked if he ever regretted his broken marriage with Diana Sinclair or saw it as a mistake, he vehemently denied it. We never even had any major conflicts. We simply made a mutual decision to part ways because we felt our lifestyles were no longer aligned. Interestingly, he was actually touched that Diana still chose to use his surname when introducing herself to the public.

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