Chapter 35: The Babylon Cat

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I arrived at KLCC as planned, excited to meet up with Diana Sinclair at Dome to continue our unfinished interview from the other day. As I approached Dome, I spotted Diana already engrossed in a book at one of the tables."Hi, Diana!"

"Hi, Marina"

"You're early. How long have you been here?"

"About half an hour now."

I sat in front of her and I could smell her perfume's scent from there.

"You smelled so good today."

"Thank you," that compliment made her smile.

"Wow! What book are you reading now?"

"From Johan Halid, called 'Orang Lain' (The Other People).

"Is it good?"

"Yes. If you are into psychology."

"Oh, so it's about psychology?"

"Yes. But without those complex theories in."

"Oh," I nodded.

"Alright, let's stop talking about this..." Diana closed the book and placed it on the table. "Marina, I want to apologize for what happened the other day. Honestly, I was a complete mess. My mind was filled with so many things, and I just couldn't stop thinking about them. It was giving me such a headache!"

"Oh, never mind. I also have my share of blame in that situation, and I'm truly sorry for it.

To be honest, there's nothing I haven't heard from the press before. I'm so used to those kinds of questions. I could have answered each one of your questions the other day, but I was..." she paused, struggling to find the right word.


"Hahaha... Yes! Dizzy!" Diana laughed. "I don't want you to think that my behaviour the other day was just to mess with you or something."

"Oh no...not at all," I shook my head.

"Well, I think we should start over."

"Hi, I'm Diana Johari," Diana gave out her hand.

'What is she up to now? What she's trying to do? Hmmm I better just play along,' I told myself.

"Hi. I'm Marina. Ummm...from Hey Magazine," I replied, in search for the correct words to say.

"Oh! Stop using your magazine's name as your identity."

"Why not?"

"There's something so formal about it. Let's do that again. Hi! I'm Diana Johari!" She said with enthusiasm. Diana Johari? Not Diana Sinclair? What was she up to? But I guessed that by using that name, she wanted me to treat her as someone I never knew before. Someone, not a celebrity, probably. So I followed along anyway. It looked more like a roleplay now, rather than a trick or game she was trying to play with me.

"Hi! I'm Marina Adam!"

"Yes! That's how you do it!" Said Diana joyfully.

"So, Marina. Tell me. What is it about me that you really need to know?"

As we both know, your name is pretty much on fire now. So yes... I want to write about YOU. Your works, what lies inside that visionary brain of yours... your future endeavours... and much more!

"Oh... if that's what you want, we might as well just do it on the phone or through email. No need to meet like this."

"But this way is more effective. And it gives me full satisfaction. Well, at least I know it comes directly from your own mouth, not your team. I know some celebrities who have a whole lot of PR teams who do this for their bosses, down to duplicating their boss's voice for a phone interview. And Hey, it's all about authenticity."

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