Chapter 36: Nasi Lemak and the First Million

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IT was still the crack of dawn, but Diana was already on the other end of the phone, asking me where we should meet later that morning. I quickly replied, giving her the freedom to decide, and she suggested Nasi Lemak Kampung Pandan as our breakfast spot. I had no objections. Shortly after, Daniel called me, sounding quite worried about the interview. He bombarded me with questions about what I would ask Diana. Thankfully, he approved of my rough plan and wished me good luck, expressing his hopes that it would finally work out for Hey this time.

I arrived at Nasi Lemak Kampung Pandan before Diana this time. It was clearly a popular spot for breakfast, and in the afternoon, people flocked here for tea-time treats like kuihs, steamed corn, and fried bananas. Diana informed me that she would be coming alone, taking a taxi from her hotel.

In every corner of the place, the crowd was chit-chatting while enjoying their meals. Amidst the noise, I could hear that most of them were talking about work, and I could see that the majority of them were in a hurry, trying to make it to their workplaces before clocking in. Some people seemed calm, leisurely enjoying their meals and reading the newspaper. I assumed their work shifts would start much later than the rushing group. There were also some elderly folks sitting in groups, engaged in passionate conversations about current affairs. As I observed, I figured they must be the retirees.

Just as I was scanning the room, a busy-looking guy with a pen and a small notebook approached me. "Can I take your order?" He asked. I smiled, feeling a bit hesitant since Diana hadn't shown up yet. I glanced around, hoping to spot her, but she was nowhere to be found.

"I'll have one Nasi Lemak and one teh tarik, please," I replied. The place was packed, and I didn't want to just sit there doing nothing.

"Okay!" He jotted down my order and quickly returned with everything I had requested.

The aroma of the Nasi Lemak was really making me hungry. I eagerly started eating, but just as I was about to take my first bite, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It annoyed me a little, but I managed to hide it.

"Diana," I said as she took a seat in front of me. She had no makeup on, and I noticed many people stealing glances at her. Maybe they were trying to confirm it was really her, I guessed. Without her usual thick eyeliner, it was hard to recognize her.

She quickly ordered Nasi Lemak and Teh Tarik, just like me. She didn't say much while eating, but instead focused on finishing her Nasi Lemak. When she was done, she ordered some kuihs, while I asked for another plate of Nasi Lemak. She just watched me enjoy mine, without saying anything.

"Are you a morning person?" she asked, breaking the silence between us.

"I actually am," I responded, my mouth full of Nasi Lemak. "What about you?" I asked in return.

I wasn't sure why she would ask me that question. But when she mentioned that she was a morning person, I didn't immediately believe her. It was hard for me to imagine someone like her, with her profession, going to bed early and starting her day bright and early.

"So, how long have you been here in KL?" She asked, wanting to know more.

"Seven years now," I replied.

"Not bad," she said, nodding.

"Yeah, but it feels like just yesterday I enrolled in college here," I added.

"Do you like this city?"

"Yes, I love everything about it! The stunning buildings, the well-connected highways, the friendly people, and the overall vibe of the place," I answered enthusiastically.

"So, what would make you leave Kuala Lumpur?" She asked curiously.

"Something I'm truly passionate about," I replied with a smile.

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