Chapter 23: Robotman

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MY searching did not take long. After a few minutes of interviewing the participants and the visitors there, something quite interesting has caught my eyes.

"Hmm, these guys don't look too bad," I thought spontaneously as my eyes landed on a group of three boys whose aura and charisma had really caught my attention. There was something amazing about them, although I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was their unique and standout outfits, or perhaps it was the way they carried themselves with such confidence. I wasn't entirely sure. I found myself wondering about the characters they were portraying because they looked unfamiliar to me. But as intriguing as they were to my eyes, I had some doubts about featuring them in Hey magazine. Their distinctiveness seemed a bit out of sync with the carnival's theme.

There were three guys standing there, each with their own distinctive style. One of them rocked a simple black pants and had fake tattoos all over his body. The second guy went all out and dressed up as a Stormtrooper from Star Wars. But it was the third guy who really caught my attention. He was sporting a black suit with a robot head, and let me tell you, it was something else.

The robot head was made out of a brown box with a touch of gold, and the eyes were these red, oval-shaped bulbs that really stood out. The lips were drawn perfectly, adding a touch of humour to the whole ensemble. I couldn't help but be intrigued by his unique and humorous style.

I decided to get Miss R's opinion on this trio. After all, she always has an interesting take on things.

"Um, I don't think what these guys put on matches the theme of this carnival," said Miss R, her voice filled with disapproval. "Especially that Stormtrooper guy! Isn't that from Star Wars?"

"But the other one does look interesting, doesn't he?" I pointed to the guy with the robot head, hoping that Miss R would take a look at him. However, there was no response from her.

"Miss R!" I half-shouted, trying to get her attention.

"What? What is it, Marina?" She replied, sounding slightly annoyed.

"That guy... he looked... interesting... right?" I repeated my question, hoping she would understand.

"That one? The topless one?" Miss R raised her eyebrows and gave me a mischievous smile. "Cute!"

"Not that one! I meant the one with the box head," I gently pinched her hand to redirect her attention.

"Cute? I meant I can barely see his face!" Miss R exclaimed, clearly misunderstanding my intention.

"I know... But what I'm saying is his style. He's got flair!" I tried to convince Miss R, who was now taking a few minutes to scan that guy.

"Hmmm you are right... He's the only one wearing such costume today."

"So, what are your thoughts on featuring them in our magazine?" I asked, eager to hear my colleague's opinion.

"Well, I think we should just go for it and get the job done," Miss R replied. "Let's put aside their hit-or-miss outfits for now, and maybe later we can ask him to remove that box from his head. Only then can we truly determine if he's a unique person or not?"

Miss R chimed in with a strategy, "And if he's not unique, we can simply drop him as a potential feature for the magazine. It's that easy!"

"Alright then, let's do it!" I exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement.

We approached the group, who seemed captivated by the anime figures on display at one of the booths. Taking the lead, I stepped forward and introduced ourselves, "Hi, we're from Hey magazine. Mind if we ask you a few questions?" All three of them turned their heads simultaneously, curious about our request.

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