Chapter 20: Serious

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A few months went by and I was getting more and more used to Hey. I learned a ton from everyone there, especially Miss B, Miss D, and Miss R. These Urban Fruits were always super generous and helpful to me. They made sure I knew all the important stuff. I took their advice to heart and avoided any unnecessary drama in the office. My main focus was just doing my work the best I could. Daniel recommended me for this job, so I didn't want to let him down.

Speaking of Daniel, we didn't get to hang out much during those few months. I could count on two hands how many times we actually met up, and even then, it was just for a quick chat. We didn't have any long or casual conversations. Our attention was completely on the challenging job at hand.

This transformation was a bit too drastic for me. We went from being fun and casual friends, always laughing together, to having a serious, professional boss-staff relationship. I tried a few different ways to bring us back to how things used to be, but it just didn't work. The walls of priority and professionalism kept us apart, putting me back in my place. Honestly, I was feeling a bit frustrated with the whole situation. I missed the old Harry. But thankfully, it didn't affect my work. I stayed focused and managed to use it as a way to distract myself from thinking about Daniel all the time.

One day, Chan called me to meet her in her office. The situation in the office was quite a stir in that moment, as if Hey has just received a bad news about the company's balance sheet.

"Have a seat, Marina," Offered Chan.

"What's going on Chan?"

"There is something you must work on, Marina," said Chan whilst her fingers were fast on the keyboard and her eyes glued onto the screen.

"What is it, Chan?" I asked back. I took a glance on her computer screen and I could see Chan was working on a long list of something.

"Look...Daniel is changing the topic that we have discussed before to a new one. And the new one is Chicken"

"Chicken? A chicken? As in the bird?" I asked back in full of confusion, hardly believed what has just came out of Chan's mouth.

"You heard it right. The recently decided 'Money' issue would be a subtopic now and be replaced with a new highlight 'Chicken'. I don't know what he found in Hong Kong last week that made him changed his mind on this!" Chan shook her head.

"Well...Chicken it is then! Tell me what should I do now."

"For now, please pause on the data management you are working on. I need you to help me with all the things in this plan."

Chan handed me a freshly printed paper with a few to do list for me to complete.

"Here is some cash and a credit card that you are going to need. Do the most that you can, and submit me the review later."

"All right Chan!" I replied.

I got back to my table and went through the list line by line. It consisted of all the things that I needed to work on for the next three days.

"Oh wow!" I said to myself. I took a deep breath before getting on my phone to call Gina.

"Hello Gina!"


"Where are you now?"

"At work. Why?"

"There's something I need you to know, Gina."

"What is it?"

"I don't think I can make it to be with you guys at the Dr Love tonight."

"Okay, Marina. But why?"

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