Chapter 24: Sawadikap

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I started getting anxious when I saw participants and vendors packing up and leaving the carnival space one by one. Just a little while ago, there was an announcement that everyone had to clear out within the next half hour. I looked around desperately, but Eddie was nowhere to be found. So, I headed over to the main stage and waited there until 8:30 p.m., hoping that Eddie would magically show up. But, it was all in vain. I finally gave up. At that moment, I had this sinking feeling that Eddie had probably left a long time ago with his friends, completely forgetting about me and the promise we made with our 'see you' sign.

"Are you sure he's gone?" Miss R asked.

"I don't know. Maybe," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Why don't you just message him on Facebook?" Ally suggested.

"I already did. Three hours ago. No response. I think it's time to salvage some dignity," I said, my voice filled with resignation.

My response made both Ally and Miss R exchange glances and shake their heads.

"Well then, I rest my case," said Ally confidently.

A few minutes later, three security guards entered the venue to conduct a thorough check. This signaled that it was time for us to leave. The three of us made our way towards the parking area, bidding each other farewell before heading to our respective cars. Just as I was about to start the car engine, my phone rang. It was Daniel.

"Hey, Daniel!"

"Hi, Marina! How are you doing? How was your day?" He asked.

"I'm good. Today wasn't too bad, Daniel," I replied briefly.

"Did you both manage to gather all the materials we need?"

"Of course we did. The camera is full! We captured so many great moments, especially with Miss R," I said, causing Daniel to burst into laughter.

"Good...good...oh, by the way, where is Miss R?"

"She's probably in her car by now. We've already gone our separate ways and headed home."

"Alright, Marina. You sound exhausted. Why don't you just go home and get some rest? We can talk later, okay?"

"I'm not tired, but I am quite hungry now."

"Why not ask Miss R to join you?"

"I did, but she said she could barely keep her eyes open."

The phone call that I thought would be quick ended up dragging on because Daniel just wouldn't stop bombarding me with questions. At that moment, I even entertained the idea of going out to dinner with him after we hung up. It seemed like a real possibility, especially when he started talking about a restaurant.

But then, out of nowhere, there was a loud thud against my car window, right next to my face. Startled, I turned to see a man's hand pressed against the glass, signalling that he wanted to talk to me.

"What happened, Marina!?" Daniel asked, concerned, after hearing me let out a little scream.

"Oh, nothing! Just a cat that jumped onto my car," I replied, trying to brush it off.

"A cat?" He responded sceptically as if he knew I was hiding something.

"Yeah... um... Daniel, I think I have to go now," I told him, eager to end the call.

"Alright, Marina. Sorry for keeping you. Drive safely, okay? Bye!"

"Bye, Daniel!"

Why didn't I tell him sooner? I berated myself for not cutting the call off earlier. I shifted my attention to the man standing by my car door and slowly rolled down the window.

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