Chapter 22: Cosplay

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AFTER an enormous response and a successful turnout of nearly 6,000 people over two days last year, Animax Carnival is coming to Malaysia for the second time. This year's event will be larger and better than before, taking place on the 16th and 17th of March at Sunway Pyramid's Blue Concourse.

It had been a good fifteen minutes since we arrived at the Sunway Pyramid mega mall, and Miss R just couldn't put down the press release from Cosplayfuns WordPress blog. At first, I didn't mind listening to her read it out loud repeatedly because I figured she was just bored, having to tag along while I fixed my make-up. But after a while, it started to get on my nerves when she began reading it with different tones and pitches. It was kind of amusing for a short while, considering her voice was pleasant to listen to, but I had to stop her when I noticed she was getting louder and drawing attention from people around us, as if we were seeking attention.

"Miss R, why on earth are you reading the press release over and over again, and so loudly?" I asked as I placed my compact powder back into my tote.

"Look Marina, I know I'm being a bit obnoxious right now, but I think I need a career change. I believe I should become a TV host!" she replied, brimming with enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but think to myself, "She's so unpredictable."

"Oh really? You think so?" I responded, not bothering to look at her face. I was too busy rummaging through my tote, searching for my lip gloss.

"Ah, you're just not being supportive of me!" Miss R pouted, her lips forming a sulky expression. Miss Giuliana Rancic Junior suddenly transformed into Miss Sensitive.

"When was I not being supportive? I was simply asking if you believe in your abilities. Do you think you can excel in this job? That's all," I replied to her, but this time I was more cautious and toned down. Perhaps my previous tone was off. Maybe I unintentionally sounded like I didn't value what she said.

"I believe I can do it. It's just..." Miss R seemed unsure.

"Well, based on the way you just read the press release, I think you can too. But what is it that makes you doubt yourself?"

"I mean... It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Look at me, I'm very petite. Very short. I don't think I have the physical appearance of a TV host. Actually, maybe I'm just not cut out for television in general."

Well that caught me off guard. I was quite surprised, as to how something like that would come out of someone who worked for a magazine.

"I don't think that's a huge problem, Miss R. In fact, I think it's not a problem at all."

"Don't you think I will look tiny in the screen?"

"Nope. I think your size is just decent. How tall are you actually?"

"I'm only five feet..."

I burst into laughter immediately, not because of her height, but due to her sheer naivety about the situation.

"Oh, really, Marina? Are you laughing at me now?" she retorted. "Fine! I understand that this is all a joke. I am not cut out for TV at all! Why did I even confide in you?" She pouted her lips once again.

"No, no! It's not that!" I chuckled. "I'm laughing because I can't believe how naive you are. Let me enlighten you, girl. Your height is comparable to that of Eva Longoria, Vanessa Hudgens, and even Kim Kardashian. Did you know that?"

"Really?" she asked me back, in disbelief.

"Yes, girl! I read somewhere that individuals tend to appear 30 per cent larger on screen. In fact, have you ever noticed how the celebrities you've encountered at work seemed smaller and thinner in person compared to their TV appearances? But fret not, Miss R, for you have my unwavering support!" I attempted to uplift her spirits, although I secretly hoped she wouldn't search for the three celebrities I just mentioned, as they happened to be a few inches taller than her. Oops!"

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